"I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done.” (Psalm 118)
A note from IHN Coordinator Nickie Brooks: Thanks to everyone for making our four guest families feel at home by preparing meals, setting up the rooms and being a welcoming presence during the week.
Reminder about the remaining worship services other events Friday and Saturday:
- March 21—Good Friday Sevice @ 7:30 PM (second day of the Triduum or "Three Days"
- March 22—Easter Egg Hunt @ 10:30 AM, Confirmation rehearses for Easter Vigil @ 11 AM, Easter Vigil @ 7:30 PM (third day of the Triduum)
Call Committee Update:
As of March 4th, we had completed five in-person interviews. As of March 11, we have it narrowed down to two very strong candidates. There is a small chance that we may be able to present the final candidate during the congregational meeting on April 6th. If not, we will probably schedule a special congregational meeting either later in April or early May. —Jay Rohla
This Sunday, March 23 (Easter Sunday/Resurrection of Our Lord)...
- All children are asked to bring a flower on Easter morning to put on the Easter cross.
- Pancake breakfast served beginning @ 8 AM; Festival services @ 8, 9:30, 11 AM
The Week Ahead...
- March 26—Bible Study @ 10 AMMarch 29—You are invited to attend a baby shower for Angela Martin hosted by the Hosanna Women of the ELCA @ 3PM, in the Fellowship Hall. Refreshments will be served; Questions or RSVP, contact Heda Christ 281-440-7321.
Looking further into the future... (* indicates a new or changed event)
- Sunday, March 30—Senior/Parent Banquet at New Hope Lutheran Church, Missouri City. We are calling all graduating seniors and their parents for a night of food, celebration, conversation and the renewing of our baptismal vows together as a community of faith. This will give high school students an opportunity to talk to college students about what it is like to be in college, and parents an opportunity to talk to parents who have gone through this experience. Fajitas will be served. RSVP Michelle Mote by March 16: (281) 499-7611 or michelle@newhopelc.org.
- * Saturday, April 5—Inreach Team meets @ 9-10 AM
- Saturday, April 5—Women's Day Retreat on Spirituality at the Kaiserhof in Tomball from 10 AM to 7 PM.
- Tuesday, April 1—Seniors Outing to Lutherhill at LaGrange. It's bluebonnet time! Also see Lutherhill's updated facilities. It's more than just a children's camp now. They will prepare a special meal. Total cost is $11.50. See Dorothy Petersen.
- Sunday, April 6—Congregation Meeting @ 12:30 PMSaturday, April 12—Inquirer's Retreat, 9:30 AM-2 PM. Lunch will be served. Contact Nita Auer for information.
- Saturday, April 19—Hosanna Women of the ELCA Annual Spring Fling @ 9-11 AM: General meeting, entertainment, speaker and a delicious brunch prepared and served by the Men of Hosanna.
- * Saturday, April 19—Progressive Dinner @ 6 PM
- Friday, April 25 @ 8 AM—7th Annual Lutherhill Golf Tournament at Longwood Golf Club, Cypress, TX. All entries must be submitted by April 21. Entry forms are available in the south entrance area. Also go to http://www.lutherhill.org
- * Sunday, April 27—Hosanna Choir will perform Vivaldi's Gloria. Note: there will be ONE worship service @10 AM, with Sunday School @ 9-9:45 AM (no Adult Education
- Saturday, May 3—Annual Garage Sale to benefit Northwest Assistance Ministries (NAM).
- Sunday, May 4—Council Meeting.Sunday, June 8—Congregation Meeting with Election of Officers, followed by Congregation picnic. The council is extending an invitation to anyone to coordinate the food, games and other necessary tasks. Contact Jeff Hartmann if you can help.
Other Items...
- Save your egg cartons! Adrianne Alewine requests all your empty egg cartons. Call 281-821-6323. Link to This Week at Hosanna for March 23:
- http://www.welcometohosanna.com/weekly_news.pdf Link to the March 2008 Hotline:
- http://www.welcometohosanna.com/monthly_news.pdf
- Your weekly reading is Matthew 17: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=matthew%2017&version=31
Easter Quiz
How the Easter events are recorded in the gospels...
1. Was there a guard at the tomb? a. Yes. MT 27:62-66 b. Apparently not. MK 15:42-16:8, LK 23:50-56, JN 19:38-42c. No guard. The women were planning to anoint the body with spices. MK 16:1-3, LK 24:1
2. Why did the woman/women come to the tomb? a. To anoint the body with spices. MK 16:1-2; LK 24:1b. Just to look. MT 28:1; JN 20:1
3. When did the women obtain the spices? a. On Friday before sunset. LK 23:54-56; 24:1b. After sunset on Saturday. MK 16:1
4. How many and who were the first visitors to the tomb? a. 2: Mary Magdalene & the other Mary. MT 28:1 b. 3: Mary Magdalene, the other Mary, & Salome. MK 16:1c. 5 or more: Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and other women. LK 23:55-24:1, 24:10d. Only 1: Mary Magdalene. JN 20:1
5. What time of day was it when the first visitor(s) arrived. a. Toward dawn. MT 28:1b. After sunrise. MK 16:2c. Early dawn. LK 24:1d.
6. Was there a stone over the entrance to the tomb when the first visitor(s) arrived? a. Yes. It was rolled away later. MT 28:1-2b. No. It had already been rolled or taken away. MK 16:4, LK 24:2, JN 20:1
7. Was there an earthquake? a. Yes. MT 28:2b. Apparently not. MK 16:5, LK 24:2-4, JN 20:12
8. Who else was at the tomb? a. 1 angel who rolled back the stone and then sat on it. MT 28:2b. 1 young man sitting inside the tomb. MK 16:5c. 2 or more men suddenly appear standing inside the tomb. LK 24:2-4d. 2 angels sitting inside the tomb. JN 20:12
9. What did the visitor(s) do immediately thereafter? a. Ran to tell the disciples. MT 28:8b. Said nothing to anyone. MK 16:8c. Told the eleven & all the rest. LK 24:9d. The disciples returned home, Mary remained outside weeping. JN 20:10-11
10. Where were the disciples to first see Jesus? a. In Galilee. MK 16:7; MT 28:7,10,16b. In Jerusalem. MK 16:14; LK 24:33, 36; JN 20:19; AC 1:4
11. By whom were the disciples told that they would meet the risen Jesus in Galilee? a. By the women, who had been told by an angel of the Lord, then by Jesus himself after the Resurrection. MT 28:7-10; MK 16:7b. By Jesus himself, before the Crucifixion. MK 26:32
12. Where was Jesus' very first post-Resurrection appearance? a. Fairly near the tomb. MT 28:8-9 b. In the vicinity of Emmaus, seven miles from Jerusalem. LK 24:13-15c. Just outside the tomb. JN 20:13-14
13. To whom did the risen Jesus first appear? a. Mary Magdalene alone. JN 20:14; MK 16:9b. Cleopas and another disciple. LK 24:13, 15, 18c. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary. MT 28:1, 9d. Cephas (Peter) alone. 1CO 15:4-5; LK 24:34
14. What was the order of post-Resurrection appearances? a. Mary Magdalene, the other Mary, the eleven. MT 28:1-18b. Mary Magdalene, two others, the eleven. MK 16:9-14c. Two, Simon (Peter?), the eleven. LK 24:15-36d. Mary Magdalene, the disciples without Thomas, the disciples with Thomas, then the eleven again. JN 20:14-21:1e. Cephas (Peter?), the twelve (?--one disciple was dead), 500+ brethren (120 in AC 1:15), James, all the Apostles, Paul. 1CO 15:5-8
15. Did the risen Jesus want to be touched? a. No. JN 20:17b. Yes. JN 20:27c. Did not mind being touched. MT 28:9-10
A Little Humor…
A pastor was speaking to a group of second-graders about the resurrection of Jesus when one student asked, "What did Jesus say right after He came out of the grave?"
The pastor explained that the Gospels do not tell us what He said.
The hand of one little girl shot up. "I know what He said: He said, 'Tah-dah!'"
One Easter Sunday morning as the pastor was preaching a children's sermon, he reached into his bag of props and pulled out an egg. He pointed at the egg and asked the children, "What's in here?" "I know, I know!" a little boy exclaimed, "pantyhose!"
Reasons to Celebrate Easter
You absolutely love the movie, "The Ten Commandments".
You look really, really good in yellow.
You just went on a low cholesterol diet and didn't want to waste all those eggs in the fridge.
You figure any Holiday that starts with a "Good Friday" can't be all bad.
You love to bite the heads off chocolate bunnies.
You have this bunny suit you love to wear, but are too insecure to wear it without a reason.
You figured since Jesus went to all THAT trouble to make it to the first Easter, you'll give it a shot.
As a Christian you celebrate the resurrection every other day, why not Easter too?
Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Communications
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