Hosanna Cyberline September 5, 2008
"Turn my eyes from looking at vanities; give me life in your ways." (from Psalm 119)
Announcements for the week of September 7...
- Tomorrow (Saturday, September 6)—Habitat for Humanity is asking for help at the Thrivent Houses in the Lancaster subdivision. Thrivent House #1, Mitchell Family Home, is ready for roof shingles and wall siding. Thrivent House #2, Rangel Family Home, should be ready for erection of the pre-assembled walls. No large group has signed up. If you can come out in groups of 2 or 3 or 4 or MORE we can make it happen. Contact Ken Dinges
- Photos are needed to complete the new picture directory and brochure. If you have recent photos (digital or print) of activities, meetings, groups (brass, choir, worship, CREW), special events, Easter, Trick or Trunk, Texas Thanksgiving, etc., please bring them to my office NO LATER THAN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. If digial, put them on a disk or Flash Drive.
- This Sunday is RALLY DAY! Sunday school opens @ 9:30 AM in the Library-Chapel (note the change) at the west end of the building. Children ages 2-11 are invited. Get ready to Akaloo again. There will be a special surprise at the end of Sunday school.
- New Sunday school teachers will be installed.
- Annual blessing of the backpacks as the new school year begins. ALL CHILDREN PLEASE BRING YOUR BACKPACKS SUNDAY MORNING.
- Check out the 9:30 AM Contemporary service. Katie Johnson has put together a new format.
- It's Christmas in September!! The Hosanna Women of the ELCA holds its annual Christmas in September Bake Sale! Hosanna's wonderful women will have scrumptious goodies for. Stop at the table in the narthex and buy a delectable goodie or two!!
- Coffee Sunday. Purchase gourmet coffee and chocolate to benefit Hosanna’s African Initiative.
- IHN Week at Hosanna begins. Saturday, September 13—One driver is needed @ 9 AM to transport our guests to Northwest Assistance Ministries. Another driver is needed at 5 PM to transport the guests back to Hosanna. It takes little time.
- The Backyard, a new monthly publication devoted to discipleship will be handed out to everyone attending worship this Sunday. An article on the front page by Pastor John explains its purpose. A new link to the PDF version has been added to the home page of the Hosanna website.
The week ahead...
- Wednesday, September 10—Hosanna Seniors (50+) tour the Federal Reserve Bank to learn about the cash operation of the Federal Reserve. Meet at Hosanna at 8:30 AM to catch the Precinct #4 bus. Lunch is at the restaurant operated by Treebeards in the Episcopal Cathedral in downtown Houston. Sign up in the Narthex or email Nancy Wunsche: nnwunsche@charter.net or Dorothy Petersen: dorpost@sbcglobal.net
- Wednesday, September 10 @ 7 PM—Habitat for Humanity of Northwest Harris County holds an orientation meeting for prospective homeowners at The Daily Bread Church, 5399 W. Richey Rd. This is a mandatory meeting for those applying for a Habitat home. Prospective applicants will get information about the Mission of Habitat for Humanity, the qualifications they must have to Partner with Habitat and the documentation necessary to complete an application. Date and location of the application meeting will be announced. If you know anyone who is interested in a Habitat for Humanity home, please pass this information on to them.
- Thursday, September 11 @ 11:30 AM—Women of the ELCA luncheon at the Tea Cake French Bakery, 820 FM1960 West (on the north side between Red Oak and Cali Dr.) RSVP: nagafitei@comcast.net or nanamomo@sbcglobal.net; or by phone 281-257-9691 (Maureen) or 281-370-6810 (Nancy). Guests are welcome.
- Next Sunday, September 14 @ 9 AM—Hosanna Carolers children's choir begins rehearsals. Children from pre-School through intermediate are welcome.
- Next Sunday, September 14 following 11 AM worship—Hosanna Community Picnic. Sign up to bring salads, fruit and desserts. Hosanna is furnishing the hot dogs, hamburgers and barbecued meat. T-shirts are on sale in the gathering area outside the Worship Center. Invite your neighbors, friends… anyone you meet. EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
Family Life announcements from Amber Walker...
This Sunday, September 7
- CREW kick off! We will have breakfast that morning and welcome new members.
That evening (6-8 PM) Jim Sales & Barbara Sorensen host us at their home for a pool party! See you there! - Confirmation begins weekly meetings with Ken Loudermilk @ 9:30 AM starting in Classroom 9.
Other Family Life items...
- September 10 and 24 @ 7 PM—Confirmation meets with Pastor John in Classroom 9.
- Sunday, September 14 @ 6 PM—Parent-youth information meeting for the National Gathering. All who want to go need to attend this meeting.
- Crew and Confirmation have been asked to lead and monitor children’s activities at the Community Picnic Sunday, September 14. Let Amber know if you can help.
- LYO JR. High Gathering for Jr High Students & Adult Sponsors, November 21-23 at the Sheraton North Houston. COST: $135 + hotel ($25 Hosanna subsidy) Registration is now open! Please let Amber know if you are interested.
- Staffed Nursery Available every Sunday morning— All children 5 and under are welcome. The nursery is across the hallway from the kitchen.
Other items...
- Scrapbooking at Hosanna—Sessions are the third Monday of each month from 9:30 AM to 2 PM in Classroom 9 (at the west end of the building). The initial meeting is September 15. Find out about “scrapbooking.” Bring your favorite photos and a lunch. Contact Beth Chaney for information: 281-440-7717.
- Saturday, September 27 @ 6 PM—Book Discussion. The next selection for the Hosanna Book Discussion group is "The Shack" by William P. Young. Meeting in Classroom 9/Confirmation Classroom.
- Link to This Week at Hosanna for September 7 Link to September Hotline: Your weekly reading is John 11: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=JOHN%2011&version=31
- Don't forget your name tags. It helps everyone feel at home. Don't have one? See the form on the back of the welcome insert in the Sunday bulletin. Cost is $2 each.
A little humor...
You Might be in a Texas Country Church If…
- The Call to Worship is "Y’all come on in!".
- People grumble about Noah letting coyotes on the Ark.
- The preacher says, "I’d like to ask Bubba to help take up the offering," and five guys stand up.
- The restrooms are outside.
- A member requests to be buried in his four-wheel drive truck because, "I ain't ever been in a hole it couldn’t get me out of."
- The church directory doesn’t have last names.
- The pastor wears boots.
- The only time people lock their cars in the parking lot is during the summer, and then only so their neighbors can’t leave them a bag of squash.
- Baptism is referred to as "branding".
- There is a special fund-raiser for a new septic tank.
Finding and returning lost sheep is not just a parable. - You miss worship one Sunday morning and by 2 o’clock that afternoon you have had a dozen calls inquiring about your health.
- People wonder when Jesus fed 5000 whether the two fish were bass or catfish.
- The final words of the benediction are, "Y’all come on back now, ya hear?"
Dale Bargmann Hosanna Lutheran Church Parish Communications http://www.welcometohosanna.com/