Hosanna Cyberline - Friday, July 11, 2008
"Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you." (from Psalm 63)
Urgent appeal from Habitat for Humanity: We are between that proverbial rock and a hard place. We start the first Thrivent House at the Lancaster site, THIS Saturday, July 12. 30 volunteers are needed for a half day ( 8 am to noon). It is only through volunteers such as yourself that we can accomplish this worthy project. Address: 19934 Great Elms Drive, Cypress, TX. Map to build site
- On July 19 we need 25 volunteers to set roof trusses. (0 signed up!)
- On July 26th we need 20 volunteers to install roof decking. (0 signed up!)
- On August 2nd we need 15 volunteers to install roof shingles. (0 signed up!)
Please get a group together no matter how large or small. Please call or e-mail me to schedule your volunteer group. Kenneth Dinges, Thrivent Builds Chapter Specialist, 281-256-9557, kendinges@gmail.com
Announcements for the week of July 13...
- “It’s not how much one makes but to what purpose one spends.” -Anonymous Beginning this Sunday… Share Save Spend: The choices I make with my money can change the world, an intergenerational Sunday school—ALL AGES WELCOME—with Amber Walker in the Sunday School Opening Room.
- Also this Sunday… Coffee Sunday—Support Hosanna’s African Initiative through purchases of free-trade coffee and chocolate. Stop by the table in the Narthex.
- Sunday, July 27—Installation of Pastor John at the 10:45 AM worship service.
- All children (ages 3 to Junior High) are invited to perform a special music arrangement with the Adult Choir at Pastor John's installation July 27. Rehearsal at 9:30 AM, July 27 in the Children's Choir Room. Snacks provided!
- Send pictures from your summer vacations with a brief description and where you went. They will be uploaded to Hosanna's photo page at Flickr.com. The McConnells included a photo of a giant lizard they saw in Arizona. Take a look. Email digital images to dale@welcometohosanna.com or leave prints in my box in the workroom with description attached.
This Sunday, July 13...
- Adult Education continues its discussion of "Reclaiming the L Word." This is a timely study with some interesting discussion. There's always a place for you.
Family Life News from Amber Walker...
- Staffed Nursery Available Every Sunday Morning— All children 5 and under are welcome. The nursery is across the hallway from the kitchen.
- Sunday school for 2-3 year-olds in the classroom next to the nursery (look for the sign).
- Jennifer Jackowski, Sunday school co-superintendent, is seeking teachers for the upper grade levels for the fall. Speak to her or contact the church office if interested.
Other Important Items...
- August Book Discussion... Title of book: "Consumption, A Novel of the Arctic" by Kevin Patterson, Saturday August 16, 6–8 PM in Classroom 9/Confirmation Room, at the west end of the building. (Note change of location because of summer AC needs.)
- Link to This Week at Hosanna for July 13:
Link to July/August Hotline: - Your weekly reading is John 5: (Jesus heals a man crippled for 38 years at the Pool of Bethesda.)
- Photo of a model of the Bethesda pools in Jesus' day
- What the Bethesda pools look like today. Excavations are near the start of the Via Dolorasa in Jerusalem's Old City:
- Wear your blue name tags every Sunday to help everyone feel at home. If you do not have one, see the form on the back of the welcome insert in the Sunday bulletin. Cost is $2 each.
- The Prayer Shawl Group requests donations of yarn (anything you have, full or partial skeins). Leave your donations by the Northwest Assistance Mininistries (NAM) food pantry in the Narthex.
- New picture directory coming. The Care Team urges everyone to schedule photo sessions online. Here is the link. Available dates are July 22-27; 30 & 31. Everyone receives a free 8x10 family portrait. Hosanna will receive some banners. The directory also will be posted online (password protected).
- All-Church Family Picnic—The first annual Hosanna family picnic is Sunday, September 14 following the late worship service. Donations cover the cost of a moonwalk, canopy tent and food. Place donations in the offering plate (payable to: Hosanna Care Team; marked: Church Picnic). Help is needed for set-up, tear-down and to serve food. See the sign up on the back of the “welcome” insert . T-shirts for this great family event are on sale in the Narthex outside the Nave.
- Orders for new benches and pavers to remember loved ones are due Sunday, August 24. Please sign up on the back of the welcome insert. The wording MUST be included with your order. See Bob Dejmal for pricing information.
A little humor...
Something for the "Senior Citizens" or if you're just feeling senior citizeny...
I'm the life of the party -- even if it lasts until 8 PM.
I'm very good at opening childproof caps -- with a hammer.
I'm usually interested in going home before I get to where I am going.
I'm smiling all the time because I can't hear a thing you're saying.
I'm aware that other people's grandchildren are not nearly as cute as mine.
I'm sure everything I can't find is in a safe secure place, somewhere.
I'm beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps.
I'm sure they are making adults much younger these days, and when did they let kids become policemen?
I'm wondering, if you're only as old as you feel, how could I be alive at 150?
And, how can my kids be older than I feel sometimes?
I'm a walking storeroom of facts -- I've just lost the key to the storeroom door.
Yes, I'm a SENIOR CITIZEN and I think I am having the time of my life!
Now if I could only remember who sent this to me...
Georgia, Garrett and I are heading to Colorado for two weeks starting Monday, July 14. Pray for safe travel for us and everyone else vacationing this summer.
Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Communications
Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Communications
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