Friday, May 16, 2008

Hosanna Cyberfline - May 16, 2008

"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?” (Psalm 8)

First, this very good piece of news, in case you have not heard: John Boldt has accepted the call to serve as Hosanna pastor! To quote the last line of a brief letter, dated May 5, received by Congregation president, Jeff Hartmann: "May the peace of our Lord Jesus sustain us in the years to come as we seek to be faithful to the mission He has called us to do. Together now, let's go!"

Second, we grieve with the Meier family. The church office was notified yesterday that Diane's sister, Donna, passed away. Pray for comfort and support, not only for the Meiers, but all who have suffered recent losses.

New Sunday School for 2 and 3 year olds: Meets @ 9:30 AM in the room next to the nursery. Parents are welcome to attend, to have fun and interact with their children as they learn basic Bible stories. Info: call Christi Frerking, 281-851-2002.

Children's Summer Sunday School:
  • Group Sunday School every Sunday in June @ 9:30 AM.
  • "Share, Save, Spend" intergenerational Sunday School in July @ 9:30 AM.
  • "God and Me" children's Sunday School in August @ 9:30 AM

This Sunday, May 18—Holy Trinity Sunday

  • Mulkey Scholarship Fundraiser @ 5-7 PM - If you can’t attend personally, please consider a donation to aid Hosanna’s youth as they seek higher education.
  • Don't forget that a staffed nursery is available for all children 5 and under. The nursery attendant is Biserka Tsenkova (She likes to be called “Bisi”).

Next Sunday, May 25—Youth Sunday (* new or changed items)

  • Evan Moilan, Executive Director of Lutherhill, preaches.
  • Wrapping of High School Seniors.
  • Last Sunday School
  • Recognition of Sunday School teachers
  • Adult Education @ 9:30 AM begins a study based on Kelly Fryer's book "Reclaiming the L Word" with a subtitle of Renewing the Church from Its Lutheran Core. The author is passionate about what it means to be Lutheran and how congregations live out that calling. The book is very readable and it is timely as we begin working with Pastor Boldt. The author's bishop advised the book should carry a warning label: 'Caution, reading this book could result in the transformation of the Church!' Join in the lively discussion. The book is available from Sue Loudermilk or Nancy Agafitei for $6.

  • * May 31—Hosanna Book Discussion @ 6 PM (new date)
  • June 8-12 @ 6-8:15 PM—Summer VBS, with dinner included. (Volunteers are needed. Contact Amber Walker.) Sign up online (see "Bulletin Board" on the home page of the Hosanna website:
  • * June 11—Pastor John Boldt assumes office duties.
  • * June 15—Pastor Boldt leads worship for the first time as Hosanna pastor.
  • * June 15-22—IHN Week at Hosanna (sign up on the back of the green "Welcome" insert).

Other Items...

This Sunday is Holy Trinity Sunday. How do you explain the Holy Trinity, that God can be one yet three, how the Trinity can be separate but the same? Some will say, “We’re not supposed to understand it.”

Well, that answer isn’t going to cut it with curious adults or children. They want an answer, in black and white, and they want it now! Here are some ways to illustrate the Trinity.


The three-leafed clover, or shamrock, is the way that St. Patrick explained the Holy Trinity to the Irish people. Take a sheet of green construction paper and cut out a shamrock. Write “God” on the stem, and “Father,” “Son” and “Holy Spirit” on each of the three leaves. As St. Patrick explained
it:: “Even the plants of the field tell about God. The shamrock has three leaves but only one stem. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are not three gods, but one God.”

The Triangle

Draw a triangle on a piece of paper. The three points are Father, Son and Holy Spirit. When God sent his Son, Jesus, to us and when he sends the Holy Spirit to us every day, he sends part of himself – part of the triangle as a whole – and not just a separate entity.

The Apple

Cut an apple down the middle from top to bottom. Note that an apple is skin, flesh and seeds – three parts. Without any one of them, it wouldn’t be an apple. The Trinity, too, works together as one.

Three Candles

Light three candles. Notice that there are three separate flames. Now tilt the tops of the candles so that the flames come together as one flame. Together they are one flame, yet three separate flames.

A Little Humor... Football finally makes sense:

A guy took his girlfriend to her first football game.

They had great seats right behind their team's bench.After the game, he asked her how she liked the experience.

Oh, I really liked it, she replied, especially all the big muscles, but I just couldn't understand why they were killing each other over 25 cents.

Dumbfounded, her date asked, What do you mean?

Well, they flipped a coin, one team got it and then for the rest of the game, all they kept screaming was: "Get the quarterback Get the quarter back!"

Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Communications


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