Thursday, May 08, 2008

Hosanna Cyberline - May 9, 2008

"Praise the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God, you are very great." (Psalm 104)
  • Hosanna Book Discussion, scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, May 10, has been postponed. The new meeting date will be announced later.
  • The Care Team is still taking cash donations for the garage sale, matched $.50 cents on the dollar by Thrivent. Please place cash or check in one of the white envelopes in the pews. Mark the envelope "Garage Sale" and place it in the offering plate. Or, click the "Contribute Online" link on the home page of the Hosanna website (use the "other" box).
Sunday, May 11 - Pentecost (Happy Birthday to the Church!)
    • WEAR RED!
    • Congregation president Jeff Hartmann preaches
    • Mother's Day Car Wash by the Confirmands. Free will offering.
    • Matt Moore will discuss his mission trip to Sierra Leone during Sunday school hour.
    • Save a Life - Donate Blood; 8am - Noon (look for the donor coach). May is "Diamonds for Donors" month. Receive a scratch off ticket to win prizes, just by attempting to donate. Everyone who donates also gets a t-shirt.
    • No CREW that evening.
  • Tuesday, May 13 - Senior's Outing: History lessons from two local museums is the theme, with visits to the Spring Historical Museum and the Tomball Museum. Lunch is at Les Gourmet Bistro in Tomball. Cost: $5 per person + cost of lunch. Meet at church @ 9:15 AM; leave @ 9:30; return to Hosanna by 2:30 PM. Give money to Nancy Wunsche or Dorothy Petersen.
  • Thursday, May 15 - DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING ARTICLES FOR THE JUNE HOTLINE; Also: DEADLINE for submitting Mulkey Scholarship applications
  • Sunday, May 18 - Trinity Sunday
    • Sunday School ends; Summer Sunday school begins June 1 (Volunteers are needed. Contact Amber Walker.)
  • May 25 - Youth Sunday. Wrapping of High School Seniors.
  • June 1 - Summer CREW begins. All incoming members are welcome!
  • June 8-12 @ 6-8:15 PM - Summer VBS, with dinner included. (Volunteers are needed. Contact Amber Walker.)
Other Items...
Something to think about and a little humor...
This Sunday is Pentecost, the birthday of the Christian Church. The story goes something like this:
The disciples were moping around and trying to figure out what they were going to do now that Jesus was gone. All of a sudden the Holy Spirit came upon them. Scriptures say that there were tongues of fire above their heads. There was a wind blowing. With that wind and that fire the spirit came upon the disciples. Suddenly all those gathered together heard the message of God�s love in their own language. Some of the other people who were on the outside looked at them and said, "Those folks are all drunk". The disciples defended themselves, "You know, it's ten o'clock in the morning. We're not drunk. This is something different. This is the Holy Spirit."
Well, all along people thought that Christians were a little bit strange. They believed odd things. They lived their lives in a different way. They didn't worry about tomorrow. They didn't worry about where money was going to come from. They shared all their things in common. Those who were not believers said, "You're nuts." "You're crazy." When Paul arrives he says, "Don't worry about it. Be fools for Christ because the foolishness of God is much greater than the wisdom of humans."

Now, nearly two thousand years later, we need to hear the words in different ways, because we have been willing to stand up and declare our faith in Jesus. We have been
willing to take risks and pay the price of being a Christian. But in doing so we have lost the joy of what it means to be Christian. Can you imagine, if you were an early Christian, what it meant to celebrate Jesus' resurrection from the dead? That wasn't a serious time. That wasn't a somber time. That was a joy filled time. A time to dance. A time to laugh. A time to sing out at the top of your lungs. It was a time for joy. In fact, through many years of the church the Sunday after Easter was known as Bright Sunday. It wasn't a time to withdraw, "We're done with Lent and we're done with Easter, and now we can take a vacation." Instead it was a time to celebrate the joy of the resurrection!

Now the humor part:
Speaking of light and brightness, here are a few holy light bulb jokes...
  • How many members of an established Bible teaching church that is over 20 years old does it take to change a light bulb? One to change the bulb; nine to say how much they liked the old one.
  • How many TV evangelists does it take to change a light bulb? One. But for the light to continue, send in your donation today.
  • How many Charismatic�s does it take to change a light bulb? One to change the bulb; nine to pray against the spirit of darkness.
  • How many mainline Protestant Churches does it take to change a light bulb? This statement was issued. "We choose not to make a statement either in favor of or against the need for a light bulb. However, if in your own journey you have found that a light bulb works for you, that is fine. You are invited to write a poem or compose a modern dance about your personal relations with your light bulb (or light source, or non-dark resource), and present it next month at our annual light bulb Sunday service, in which we will explore a number of light bulb traditions, including incandescent, fluorescent, three way and long-life, all of which are equally valid paths to luminescence."
  • How many Tai Chi players does it take to change a light bulb? 100. One to change it and 99 to say: "That's not the way my teacher does it."
Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Communications


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