Friday, June 06, 2008

Hosanna Cyberfline - June 6, 2008

"How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you..” (Psalm 31)

Don't forget to sign up to help with Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) Week at Hosanna, which begins next Sunday, June 15. See the back of the green welcome insert. This is a vital ministry that provides a temporary home for families left homeless by circumstances beyond their control.

A new era has begun for the Hosanna community. Pastor Boldt begins his ministry at Hosanna Wednesday, June 11 and will be leading worship starting Sunday, June 15. Everyone... please wear your blue name tags every Sunday to help Pastor Boldt and any new people feel at home.

This Sunday, June 8—

  • Worship services are at 8:15 AM and 10:45 AM. Contemporary Worship is @ 9:30 AM
  • Reception of new member Tracy Steere @ 8:15 AM.
  • First Communion: Nicholas Rohla.
  • Blessing of Prayer Shawl for Abigail Grace Williams.
  • 9 :30 AM—Group Sunday school contiunes every Sunday in June. Jennifer Jackowski and Joyce Evans teach this Sunday.
  • 9 :30 AM—Adult Education continues an 8-week study of Kelly Fryer's book "Reclaiming the L Word" with a subtitle of Renewing the Church from Its Lutheran Core.
    After 10:45 AM Worship—Congregation meeting with election of officers
  • 5:30 to 8:15 PM—VBS begins Sunday evening with a meal included! If you have not registered your child(ren) please email me: Walk-ins are welcome too! The cost is $25/child or $35/family. The theme is Rainforest Adventure and we are sure to have fun. I still need a few volunteers if you are free. Lastly, we will be decorating the church for VBS after the Congregation meeting and would love any help. Just show up. Amber Walker

The Week Ahead—

  • June 11—Pastor John Boldt begins his ministry with Hosanna. His email is:
  • June 14—Senior’s Outing: Meet for dinner at Lasagna House (FM 1960 and I-45) @ 6 PM. Then it’s on to Ace Theater @8 PM for the exciting whodunit “Exit to Murder” Cost: $12 for the play plus your dinner. Questions: call Cecelia Gabrielson: 281-376-225
  • Next Sunday, June 15—Father's Day
    Pastor Boldt preaches and presides!

    Reception for Pastor Boldt @ 9-11 AM
    June 15-22—IHN Week at Hosanna (sign up on the back of the green "Welcome" insert).
    Deadline for submitting articles for a combined July/August Hotline (Need both months due to my vacation schedule.) I am requesting that those planning the Senior's Outings, Book Discussion, Hosanna Women of the ELCA, church council and any other activities submit their information for this combined issue. Georgia, Garrett and I will be vacationing in Colorado July 14-29 and I want to get this issue completed before we leave. Thank you, Dale Bargmann

Looking Further Into the Future

  • June 22—Blessing of Confirmands travelling to Confirmation Camp at Lutherhill @ 10:45 AM worship.
  • June 22-27—Confirmation Camp at Lutherhill.
  • June 28—Book Discussion @ 6–8 PM in the Confirmation Room (note change of location because of summer AC needs) Title to be discussed: "Little Heathens" by Mildred Armstrong Kalish. This is Mildred Kalish's story of growing up on her grandparent's Iowa farm during the depths of the Great Depression. This, however, is not a tale of suffering but the story of a childhood that "built character, fed the intellect, and stirred the imagination." Filled with remarkable stories, and brimming with recipes and how-tos, this book portrays a world of hard work tempered by simple rewards. and shows how the right stuff can make even the bleakest of times seem like "quite a romp." This gathering is for everyone who loves to read and to talk about what they have read. Those who wish can go out to dinner at a local restaurant following the discussion.
  • June 29-July 3—Disciple Project at Texas Lutheran University, a week long event for high school-age and adults. For more information visit
  • June 30—Deadline for submitting T-shirt designs for Fall Congregation Picnic. The theme is "A Time for Action 08.” The winner will get a $25 gift card to AMC or Santikos Theaters (winner's choice). Submit your design to The Care Team.

Other Items...

A little humor...

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were camping in the desert.They set-up their tent and were asleep. Some hours later, Holmes woke his faithful friend."Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see".

Dr. Watson replied, "I see millions of stars."

"What does that tell you?" asks Sherlock Holmes.

Dr. Watson pondered for a minute and replied,"Astronomically speaking, it tells me that there are millionsof galaxies playing host to billions of stars and planets. Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in Leo.Time wise, it appears to be approximately 3:15 AM. Theologically, it is evident the Lord is all powerful and as small insignificant beings, we pale in God's presence. Meteorologically, we are in for a clear and beautiful day tomorrow with a light easterly breeze in the morning. What does it tell you, Holmes?"

Holmes was silent for a moment,then he looked at Dr. Watson and said:
"It tells ME that someone has stolen our tent."

Have great weekend,
Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications


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