"My heart is not proud, O LORD, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me. O Israel, put your hope in the LORD both now and forevermore.” (Psalm 131)
The one big announcement for this week is the Summer worship schedule, beginning Sunday, June 1:
- 8:15 AM and 10:45 AM - Worship with Communion.
- 9:30 AM Contemporary Worship service remains at 9:30 AM on June 1 and June 8, then moves to 5 PM on June 15.
Also, an important reminder: Sunday, June 1 is the deadline for submitting Mulkey Scholarship applications!!!
And... Time is running out! Be sure to register for Vacation Bible School, June 8-12 @ 6-8:15 PM—Dinner is included. Volunteers still are needed. Contact Amber Walker. Register online:
$2,194… That is the total amount of funds collected at the recent Garage Sale to benefit NAM’s SOS (Survival Over the Summer) campaign. You can still make donations, matched $.50 on the dollar. Contact Nikkie Brooks for information.
This Sunday, May 25—Youth Sunday and Memorial Day Weekend
- Evan Moilan, Executive Director of Lutherhill, preaches.
- Wrapping of High School Seniors: Stephen Brooks, Jacob Romihn, C.J. Welshons, Josh Alewine, Caty Oden and Laura Greer
- Presentation of God and Life Award
- Adult Education @ 9:30 AM begins a study based on Kelly Fryer's book "Reclaiming the L Word" with a subtitle of Renewing the Church from Its Lutheran Core.
The week ahead...
- May 31—Hosanna Book Discussion @ 6 PM
- Next Sunday, June 1—Begin Summer worship schedule (See above note).
Looking further ahead...
- June 11—Pastor John Boldt assumes office duties.
- June 15—Pastor Boldt leads worship for the first time as Hosanna pastor; Contemporary worship moves to new time: 5 PM
- June 15-22—IHN Week at Hosanna (sign up on the back of the green "Welcome" insert).
Other Items...
- New Sunday School for 2 and 3 year olds: Meets @ 9:30 AM in the room next to the nursery. Parents are welcome to attend, to have fun and interact with their children as they learn basic Bible stories. Info: call Christi Frerking, 281-851-2002.
- Link to This Week at Hosanna for May 25: http://www.welcometohosanna.com/WEEKLY_NEWS.pdfLink to newly published June Hotline: http://www.welcometohosanna.com/MONTHLY_NEWS.pdf
- Your weekly reading is Matthew 26: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=matthew%2026&version=31 Three chapters to go to complete Matthew. This week is a review of the events prior to Easter, including Jesus' arrest.
- July 22-26—2009 ELCA Youth Gathering, "Jesus, Justice, Jazz," in New Orleans.
Click this link to view a PowerPoint with overview. http://www.welcometohosann.com/JJJ_overview.ppt Also see the National Gathering page on the ELCA website: http://archive.elca.org/youth/gathering.html - Reminder of the Children's Summer Sunday School schedule:
June: Group Sunday School every Sunday @ 9:30 AM.
July: "Share, Save, Spend" intergenerational Sunday School @ 9:30 AM.
August: "God and Me" children's Sunday School @ 9:30 AM.
A little humor...
While driving in Pennsylvania, a family caught up to an Amish carriage. The owner of the carriage obviously had a sense of humor, because attached to the back of the carriage was a hand printed sign... "Energy efficient vehicle: Runs on oats and grass. Caution: Do not step in exhaust."
A Sunday School teacher began her lesson with a question, "Boys and girls, what do we know about God?" A hand shot up in the air. "He is an artist!" said the kindergarten boy. "Really? How do you know?" the teacher asked. "You know - Our Father, who does art in Heaven...
A minister waited in line to have his car filled with gas just before a long holiday weekend. The attendant worked quickly, but there were many cars ahead of him in front of the service station. Finally, the attendant motioned him toward a vacant pump. "Reverend," said the young man, "sorry about the delay. It seems as if everyone waits until the last minute to get ready for a long trip." The minister chuckled, "I know what you mean. It's the same in my business."
"Somebody has well said that there are only two kinds of people in the world there are those who wake up in the morning and say, "Good morning, Lord," and there are those who wake up in the morning and say, "Good Lord, it's morning."
Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Lutheran Church Communications
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