Hosanna Cyberline - August 15, 2008
"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth" (from Psalm 67)
Announcements for the week of August 17...
- Be sure to sign up to help with Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) Week at Hosanna, September 7-14. See the back of the green “Welcome” insert or the poster in the narthex. Set up beds, fix meals, serve as host or driver. It also can be as simple as purchasing a gallon of milk and juice.
- Man with ALS needs some companionship - Can you spend an hour a month visiting a man with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease)? Although Eric, 42 years old, is a quadriplegic on a breathing machine, his mind is not effected by his disease. He likes chess and computers and he lives on Louetta. Call the Hosanna office (281-440-6890) or Lynn Coles (936-321-5311) to provide Eric with some companionship.
- I want to share this email I received from Jared Stackman who, along with his girl friend Jenni, worshiped at Hosanna last Sunday: "It was great to meet you and all of the other friendly members of Hosanna on Sunday, it is truly an atmosphere that Jenni and I were looking for in a church."Jared and Jenni are very new to Houson and Jered is seeking employment. If anyone has a contact or knows of an opening, please drop him an email. Here is some info: I am a graduate from the University of Wisconsin-Platteville with a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering. I graduated in May of 2007 and have worked for approximately 15 months as a Quality/Safety Engineer for a manufacturing plant in Illinois. My girlfriend, Jenni took a job as a teacher down here with the Aldine School District which is the reason I am here also. I am currently seeking a job as an engineer, primarily, but not limited to a manufacturing environment.
This Sunday, August 17...
- This Sunday - Mission of the Month Noisy Offering for ELCA Disaster Response: Disasters are tragic events that disrupt the normal routine of life, causing loss and human suffering. When a major disaster strikes, needs often outstrip available local resources. In such catastrophes the whole church marshals its resources and reaches out to help. ELCA Disaster Response is known for its long-term healing presence after catastrophic events. Our Domestic Disaster Response and International Disaster Response efforts are implemented through trusted partners with roots in the communities they serve. Through ELCA Disaster Response, we are prepared to care “for the long haul,” even when a disaster receives little or no media attention. Dig into your pockets and purses and pull out any loose change you may be carrying. Deposit it in the buckets passed during the offering at all worship services.
- Adult Education continues a 7-week study/discussion of "Real Faith for Real Life: Living the Six Marks of discipleship. "This book offers the reader an experience of learning that can influence a lifetime of living as a follower of Jesus. The book is recommended for both personal faith development and congregational faith formation." Books will be available for $10.
Family Life News from Amber Walker...
- Youth Summer Sunday School ends August 24 (next Sunday).
- Fall Rally Day is September 7. Hope to see you there!
- CREW begins September 7 with breakfast that morning and Bible study from 6-8 pm
- Those being confirmed meet with Pastor John this Sunday following the late service.
Andrew Greer is attending LYO training this weekend at Lutherhill. Please keep him in your prayers. - “It’s not how much one makes but to what purpose one spends.” -Anonymous Continuing this Sunday… Share Save Spend: The choices I make with my money can change the world, an intergenerational Sunday school—ALL AGES WELCOME—with Amber Walker in the Sunday School Opening Room.
- Staffed Nursery Available Every Sunday Morning— All children 5 and under are welcome. The nursery is across the hallway from the kitchen.
- Sunday school for 2-3 year-olds in the classroom next to the nursery (look for the sign).
The Week Ahead...
- Saturday, August 23—Confirmation End of Year/Back to School Party at Splashtown @12 PM.
- Saturday, August 23 - Women of the ELCA Cluster Meeting and Bible Study, with a lite breakfast, beginning @ 9:15 AM at Hosanna.
- Next Sunday, August 24 - Orders for new benches and pavers to remember loved ones due. Please sign up on the back of the welcome insert. See Bob Dejmal for pricing information.
- Next Sunday, August 24 - Return to Fall worship schedule: 8, 9:30 and 11 AM, with Sunday school and Adult Education @ 9:30 AM.
Looking Ahead...
- Be on the look out for details about a day for Scrapbooking at Hosanna. Questions, call Beth Chaney: 281-440-7717.
- Tuesday, September 9—The Hosanna Seniors (50+) will tour of the Federal Reserve Bank to learn about the cash operation of the Federal Reserve. Meet at Hosanna at 8:30 AM to catch the Precinct #4 bus. Lunch is at the restaurant operated by Treebeards in the Episcopal Cathedral in downtown Houston. Sign up in the Narthex or email Nancy Wunsche or Dorothy Petersen.
- Sunday, September 14—First annual Hosanna Community Picnic following the late worship service. Donations are needed to cover the cost. Place them in the offering plate (payable to: Hosanna Care Team; marked: Church Picnic). There will be lots of food, games and live entertainment. Sign up to bring baked beans, salads, fruit and desserts. Sign up at the table in the Narthex. Also, help is needed for set-up, tear-down and to serve food. T-shirts for this great family event are on sale in the Narthex. Bring friends, invite your neighbors. Everyone is welcome!!!!!
- Link to This Week at Hosanna for August 17
- Link to July/August Hotline
- Your weekly reading is John 8
- Continue to wear your name tags every Sunday to help everyone feel at home. If you do not have one, see the form on the back of the welcome insert in the Sunday bulletin. Cost is $2 each.
- One other item from Habitat for Humanity... Dear Prospective Habitat for Humanity Homeowner:Habitat for Humanity of Northwest Harris County is holding an orientation meeting for prospective homeowners Wednesday, September 10 @ 7 PM at The Daily Bread Church, 5399 W. Richey Rd. This is a mandatory meeting for those applying for a Habitat home. This meeting will give you information about the Mission of Habitat for Humanity, the qualifications you must have to Partner with Habitat and the documentation necessary to complete an application. Date and location of the application meeting will be announced at this meeting. In general to qualify for a Habitat home you must be within 40-60% of the Harris County low income guidelines for a family of your size and be willing to work with Habitat in building your home (sweat equity). No documentation is required at this meeting but you may wish to bring a pen in order to take notes.If you know anyone who is interested in a Habitat for Humanity home, please pass this information on to them.
A little humor...
A young couple invited their elderly preacher for Sunday dinner. While they were in the kitchen preparing the meal, the minister asked their son what they were having.
"Goat," the little boy replied.
"Goat?" replied the startled man of the cloth, "Are you sure about that?"
"Yep," said the youngster. "I heard Dad say to Mom, 'Today is just as good as any to have the old goat for dinner.'"
Until next week, God bless you over the coming week,
Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Communications
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