Friday, October 27, 2006

Hosanna Cyberfline - October 27, 2006

From Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications:

Coming events of note:

Pumpkin Patch continues through Tuesday, October 31

This Sunday, October 29 - Reformation Sunday and we welcome new members (Don't forget to wear red!)

Also Sunday, October 29 - Fall Family Festival @ 4:30 - 6:30 PM. The festival is intergenerational and serves as an outreach. Last year 150 people attended. There will be Pumpkin Carving, Hay Rides, Moonwalks, Face Painting, Games, Chappel Hill sausage and hot dogs. Bring dessert or veggie tray to share. End the evening with Trick or Trunk (Don’t forget to decorate your trunk.)

Saturday, November 4 - Annual trip to Wurstfest in New Braunfels (Be sure to sign up in the Narthex or on the back of the green bulletin insert).

Saturday, November 4 - Personal Stewardship Seminar at Hosanna, November 4 @ 9:30 AM-3 PM

“Is a Piece Missing From Your Financial Peace?"
A synod-wide workshop on the connection between faith and financial heath to assist your personal stewardship planning. This pilot seminar is FREE to Houston area Lutheran leaders. Contact Gary Hellner: to register in advance.

Saturday, November 11 - Texas Thanksgiving @ 6:30 PM (No turkey, but lots of chili) For Hosanna adults and their guests • $5 per person. Sign up at the North Narthex.

Sunday, November 12 - Veteran’s Day Service @ 2 PM honoring those who served and those who continure to serve.

Sunday, November 12 - Renewing Worship Introductory Event at Kinsmen Lutheran @ 2-7 PM; An introduction to the new red hymnal from Augsburg-Fortress Publishers. Fee includes your own copy of the hymnal.

Seniors’ November Trip

November 13 - Seniors (50+) travel to the 100 year-old three-generation Frerich Farm and Dairy in La Grange. The day includes a guided tour of the farm, animals (milk a cow!) and hay ride. Also meet "Belle," the Blue Bell Ice Cream Cow, observe the making of Texas Jersey Cheese and visit the Gift Shop for a hand-dipped cone of Blue Bell ice cream. Afterward is lunch at Frank's Place on La Grange's Main Street Square. The last stop will be Katy Sweet Confectioners to observe the making of their delicious handmade candies and be treated with samples! Sign up in the North Narthex by Sunday, November 5, or call Cecelia Gabrielson (281-376-2258) by November 9. Cost: $7 ea. for the tours, plus lunch at Frank’s Place.

Check the web site calendar for details on everything happening at Hosanna:

Hotline November Newsletter: It was mailed to homes this past Wednesday. Here is the link:

Don't forget to check out the Hosanna Blog for news updates:

Preview "This Week at Hosanna" for more news updates:

Note: You're not seeing things... the format of "This Week has been changed to a single 8 1/2" X 14" double-sided sheet! This saves Hosanna possible extra charges of exceeding the number copies on our copier/printer lease. It's not because anyone's gotten lazy.



A Sunday school teacher asked, "Johnny, do you think Noah did a lot of fishing when he was on the Ark?" "No," replied David. "How could he, with just two worms?"

A Sunday school teacher said to her children, " We have been learning how powerful kings and queens were in Bible times. But, there is a higher power. Can anybody tell me what it is?" One child blurted out, "Aces!"

Nine-year-old Joey, was asked by his mother what he had learned in Sunday school. "Well, Mom, our teacher told us how God sent Moses behind enemy lines on a rescue mission to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. When he got to the Red Sea, he had his army build a pontoon bridge and all the people walked across safely. Then, he radioed headquarters for reinforcements. They sent bombers to blow up the bridge and all the Israelites were saved." "Now, Joey, is that really what your teacher taught you?" his mother asked. "Well, no, Mom. But, if I told it the way the teacher did, you'd never believe it!"

Pray for all the sick and grieving. Continue to pray for an end to the escalating violence in the Middle East. Pray, too, for the Rohlas, especially Debbie, whose father, I just learned late this morning, passed away.

Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications

Friday, October 13, 2006

From Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications:

All kinds of activities are scheduled between now and mid-November:

October 15-31 - Pumpkin Patch
October 15 - Confirmation Banquet
Saturday, October 21 CREW Garage Sale
Sunday, October 22 - Confirmation @ 11 AM Worship
Sunday, October 29 - Reformation Sunday
Sunday, October 29 - New Member Sunday
Sunday, October 29 - Fall Family Festival @ 4:30-6:30 PM (changed from 2 PM)
Saturday, November 4 - Annual trip to Wurstfest in New Braunfels
Saturday, November 4 - Personal Stewardship Seminar
Saturday, November 11 - Texas Thanksgiving @ 6:30 PM
Sunday, November 12 - Veteran’s Day Service @ 2 PM
Sunday, November 12 - Renewing Worship Introductory Event at Kinsmen Lutheran @ 2-7 PM
Monday, November 13 - Seniors’ Trip to La Grange
Sunday, December 10 - Seniors’ Christmas Pot Luck
Check the web site calendar for details:

From the Hosanna Women of the ELCA:
Items for the Habitat for Humanity Workers lunches need to be dropped off at the church kitchen by this Saturday the 14th. Please put items in the bags, mark them with your name and "Habitat lunches," and leave them on the kitchen counter. Please drop off all items by 9 am. Items needed: apples, individual snack bags, cookies, candies, water and soda. We are serving about 100 plus volunteers. Questions? Call Judy Kresge evenings at 281-209-0204 or Heda Christ at 281-440-7321. Thank You in Advance!!! Judy Kresge

Hotline Monthly Newsletter: Deadline for submitting articles is Monday, October 16.

Darryl Brown drafted a flyer, describing all the activities at Hosanna, to be handed out to everyone purchasing Halloween Pumpkins at the Pumpkin Patch starting next week. I made an initial run of 150. It is hoped that every Hosanna member would take 10-20 copies with them and hand them out in their neighborhoods or pass them on to friends. I will gladly run more off if we run out. Grab a stack and spread the word about Hosanna and all the things that happen here.

Saturday, October 21 is the 1st Annual CREW Garage Sale. Continue to bring items to Classroom 1. The goal is to raise $4000. Sounds like a lot, but it can be done.

Confirmation Banquet is this Sunday @ 6 PM; Confirmation is the following Sunday in the 11 AM Worship service.

Don't forget to check out the Hosanna Blog for news updates:

Preview of "This Week at Hosanna" for more news updates:

An outgrowth of the Ministry and Technology Conferences that Pastor Tart and I conducted earlier this year: I have just completed initial design work on two web sites for Faith Lutheran Church and Faith Lutheran Day School in Bellaire. Here are the URL's so you can see for yourselves: and I've learned a lot while building the Hosanna site and I thank you for the opportunity.


22 members were present at the church meeting held at the home of Mrs. Marsha Crutchfield last evening. Mrs. Crutchfield and Mrs. Rankin sang a duet, The Lord Knows Why.

The choir invites any member of the congregation who enjoys sinning to join the choir.

The rosebud on the altar this morning is to announce the birth of David Alan Belzer, the sin of Reverend and Mrs. Julius Belzer.

Weight Watchers will meet at 7 p.m. Please use the large double door at the side entrance.

This afternoon there will be a meeting in the south and north ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends.

At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be "What is Hell?". Come early and listen to our choir practice.

The 1991 Spring Council Retreat will be hell May 10 and 11.

God bless your week. Pray for those who are ill, and pray for those who have been victimized in schools across the country in recent weeks.

Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications

Friday, October 06, 2006

Hosanna Cyberline - October 6,.2006

The Peace of the Lord be you all this Friday,

First of all, I would like to appologize for last week's email Cyberline. Georgia, Garrett and I flew to Minneapolis/St.Paul last Wednesday to spend some time with my son Jim, whose birthday was September 30. Thursday morning I sat down to compose the Cyberline on his computer. For some reason all the paragraph returns disappeared from the message and it ended up looking like one long run-on sentence. This week I'm starting from scratch instead of using an earlier draft copy.

First, here is the link to "This Week at Hosanna" for October 8 to give you a jump start on what's happening next week:

Here's the link to the October Hotline:

Monday, October 16 is the deadline for submitting articles and commentaries for the November Hotline..

Please make it a regular routine to read the Hosanna Blog:

You will see a couple short messages by Amber Walker on the CREW garage sale and the Pumpkin Patch fundraiser. While we're on the subject: close to Halloween last year Hosanna had the only supply of pumpkins in the area. All the grocery stores had sold out by that time.Tell everyone you know that we will have a good supply. The goal for the Garage sale is to raise $4,000. Donations can be brought to Classroom 1. All other rooms have scheduled activities.

Following Amber's messages is a letter passed on to us by Pastor Rob Moore, assistant to the Bishop of the Texas-LA Gulf Coast Synod. The letter, from Carl Hilt, member of Lutheran Church of the Galilean in LaPlace, LA, highlights continuing needs in the New Orleans area for school supplies. Please read it and consider lending a hand. I suggest that everyone drop off donations at the panty in the North Narthex area (not the NAM pantry) and we will contact Pastor Moore to have them picked up.

After that there are articles entitled, "CREW Garage Sale Information," "Housekeeping" and "Synod Questions of October."

Other News: Don't forget to sign up for the annual excursion to Wurstfest in New Braunfels on Saturday, November 4. The group will leave from the Hosanna parking lot at 8 AM.

Adult Education on Sunday morning @ 9:30: Second session on the life of Martin Luther. Amongst other things the discussion will cover Luther's 95 Theses. You will learn why Luther chose to post them on October 31 (Halloween or All Hallows Eve). If you can't come Sunday, the series will be repeated over the next few weeks at the Wednesday Morning Bible Study @ 10 AM.

Also this Sunday: Hosanna's annual Mission and Ministry Fair. Before or after worship, come to classrooms 5/8. Get involved and find a new passion for a ministy.

Become a Thrivent Financial for Lutherans member... only $10 per year. It benefits both you and Hosanna.Stop by for coffee on Sunday, October 22 and talk to Val Islam and Jim Meszaros, Hosanna's Thrivent representative.

Those are the highlights for this coming week; now the fun part:

A Little Humor:

Some actual church bulletin bloopers:

* Our next song is "Angels We Have Heard Get High."

* Don't let worry kill you--let the church help.

* Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and community.

* Weight Watchers will meet a 7 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.

* Jean will be leading a weight-management series Wednesday nights. She's use the program herself and has been growing like crazy!

* This afternoon there will be a meeting in the South and North ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends.

* Tuesday at 4:00 P.M. there will be an ice cream social. All ladies giving milk will please come early.

* This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Lewis to come forward and lay an egg on the altar.

* Next Sunday a special collection will be taken to defray the cost of the new carpet. All those wishing to do something on the carpet will come forward and do so.

* The ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind. They can be seen in the church basement Saturday.

* Thursday night--Potluck supper. Prayer and medication to follow.

* A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.

Note: I just sent this Cyberline to myself ant it looked good. So you should be able to catch your breath while reading it. Bye for now and God be with you, Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications