Hosanna Cyberfline - August 24, 2007
Here is the link to This Week at Hosanna: http://www.welcometohosanna.com/weekly_news.pdf
Here is the link to the Hotline:
Hello from Dale Bargmann.
I'm back from vacation. Two of the thee weeks were spent in Colorado, our home state. Georgia and I spent several days in the mountains and it was great as usual. I included an article in the September Hotline on what we did, so I won't repeat anything here. Thanks to Debbie Rohla for taking care of printed materials and the Cyberline while I was away.
The September Hotline will be a little late arriving in homes. I'm printing it today (Friday), so it won't be mailed until Monday at the earliest. Although I started working on it before I left, but didn't receive some of the articles until this week. It will be posted to the website today. The normal deadline for Hotline in the 15th of the month. So, for the October edition, I will need
submissions no later than September 15 (a Saturday).
Saturday, September 8, the Hosanna Book Discussion to discuss When the Lion Roars, by DiAnn Mills. Ms. Mills will join the group for the discussion. Come meet the author and get your copy of her book signed.
September 9 is a busy day: We resume the three-service worship service schedule @ 8, 9:30 & 11 AM. It is also Rally Day. Sunday School and Akaloo start up again. Kids, wear your camp shirts and bring photos. Adult Education begins a comprehensive study on Martin Luther (see below). Furthermore, it is the day of the WELCA Christmas in September Bake Sale and CREW welcomes incoming freshmen with a breakfast that morning; first CREW meeting is later, from 6-8 PM.
More highlights:
All God's critters got a place in the choir!
The Hosanna Carolers Children's choir will begin rehearsals September 9, 2007. Please come and join our talented musical group every Sunday morning from 9-9:30 AM. We will sing and play instruments and have a great time. All children Kindergarten through 6th grade are welcome. If you are a little younger or older, please come anyway, we have never turned anyone away. See you on the 9th! Shelly Gunhouse _________________________________________________________________________
Adult Education, Sundays @ 9:30 AM:
Luther:Gospel, Law, and Reformation by professor Phillip Cary.
This 24 session course from the Teaching Co. will be led by Pastor Paul Frerking
starting September 9 and continuing through March 2008.
The course is a balanced, critical look at Martin Luther. Each one hour session is designed as a 30 minute talk on DVD followed by a 30-minute group discussion, but
the schedule is flexible enough to allow for additional discussion as participants
desire. The sessions build on each other, but drop in participants are welcome
and will find value in the individual sessions. Included in the recommended reading
list is “Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther” by Roland Bainton. Contact Sue Loudermilk if you need ordering information for this $7.00 book.
Pastor Paul Frerking recently celebrated the 45tth anniversary of his ordination: The first 18 years of his ministry was in the LCMS,and he was an Army chaplain for 4 years. The remainder of his ministry was as a pastor-developer in the ELCA. Pastor Frerking is the author of “Word of Promise, Word of Hope” a commentary on cycle B of the lectionary. Please join us Sundays @ 9:30 AM and take advantage of this exciting learning opportunity.
Sunday, September 16 (following 11 AM worship) - Congregation Meeting/Pot Luck. The agenda includes ratification of the 6 members of the Call Committee. Also, it's time to show your cooking skills at the Pot Luck prior to the meeting. Care Team is handling the set up. Please sign up in the Narthex. I, for one, look forward to sampling all the goodies.
Weekly, week-night, study group continues Monday nights @ 7 PM. Meetings are at the Bargmann residence: 16523 Brightling Lane, in Ella Crossing, just south of Hosanna (less than 5 minutes away). Three people came to the first session on Martin Luther and the Reformation. There will be at least 3 more sessions on Luther. I'm also considering showing two videos: the old black and white Luther movie and another on Katie Luther. Future discussion topics include: the Life of Jesus, Paul’s missionary journeys, the Letters to the Churches in Revelation. Contact me, Dale Bargmann, at the church office if
interested or for directions. Or, drop me an email.
If Monday night doesn't work for you, consider starting your own group. The more the better.
Pastor Bill has been asked to extend his time with us through December. He will also continue to facilitate the Wednesday 10 AM Bible study. Around 20 people regularly attend. There's always room for more.
Over $1,000 has been collected so far, enough to cover the cost of lawn care through early November. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this ongoing project!
It is time to order memorial benches and pavers for your loved ones so they can be installed for dedication on All Saints Sunday. Benches take 8 to 10 weeks for delivery/ installation, so we need to start NOW. Pavers must be ordered by September 15. Please call Bob Dejmal, 281-350-6898, for more info.
Celebrate the Installation of Rev. Dr. David Tart at Peace Lutheran Church
6435 Fairmont Parkway, Pasadena
September 9, 2007 at 4:00 in the afternoon.
Newly-elected Bishop Mike Rinehart will preachReception follows in the fellowship hall.
Car pool anyone?
Pastor Tart's sabbatical is over and it's back to work for him with another congregation. It's also time for Hosanna people to return, role up our sleeves and get back to doing God's work here. Which reminds me... The Council minutes from the August 19th meeting includes a request of a "Camping Account and Promotion" person. Also needed: a Thrivent
Congregation Coordinator, as well as Sunday School teachers and CREW leaders. Time to get involved.
While we're on the subject of Pot Lucks:
YOU MIGHT BE A LUTHERAN IF... ...you carry silverware in your pocket to church just in case there’s a potluck.
Windows Vista
Avraham (Abraham) wanted to upgrade his PC to Windows Vista. His son Yitzhak (Isaac) is incredulous.
"Pop," he says, "you can't run Windows Vista on your old, slow PC. Everyone knows that you need a computer with a minimum of 72 megs of memory in order to multitask effectively with Windows Vista."
But Abraham, the man of faith, gazed calmly at his son and replied, "God will provide the RAM, my son."
Here's a third one, just because you've been deprived of the humor at the end of the Cyberline for 3 weeks:
My sister decided it was time that her three sons get baptized. After weeks of suitable instruction one bright Sunday morning they were on their way to church where the three boys, 8, 9, and 11, would have their sins washed away. But, the 9 year old was particularly pensive that day, and when his mother asked him what he was thinking about, he replied:
"Mom, I want to go first."
"Because, I don't want to be baptized in water that has all of my brother's sins floating around in it."
Have a great weekend and stay cool.
Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications