Friday, November 30, 2007

Let us live honorably as in the day, not in reveling and drunkenness, not in debauchery and licentiousness, not in quarreling and jealousy. Instead, put on the Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 13:13-14)

Here is the link to This Week at Hosanna for December 2:

Here is the link to the December Hotline:

I want to pass along part of an emaile from Pastor Bill I received this morning (with his permission): "I saw Kathleen again at the 6:00 a.m. visiting time. Most everything is the same as we left it last night. She was, however, able to crack her eyes open when I spoke to her, signaling some awareness, however vague. I gently began telling her the things I anticipate she would be wondering if at all aware - - mainly that her heart operation was successful, that it's Friday, that she's having a swelling problem, still in ICU, the trachea tube, etc."

Bill has email access at the hospital. Here is his address:

William Schwertlich

Highlights for the week ahead…
  • December 2 is the First Sunday in Advent leading up to Christmas. We look forward to a visit from St. Nicholas of Myra with a message for the children about anonymous giving to others in times of need.
  • Speaking of St. Nicholas, here’s a neat website about all things St. Nicholas for kids:
  • Try this page, too. It’s an online coloring book.
  • Congregation meeting AND POTLUCK is THIS Sunday, December 2, after 11 AM worship.

Other items…

  • One of the church’s two new Bissell Carpet Cleaners is missing. If anyone has borrowed it, please return it ASAP.
  • Next Sunday, December 9 @ 12:30 PM, is the Seniors (50+) Christmas Dinner. Sign up with your choice of food to bring. So far 30 are signed up.
  • Confirmation Christmas Party—December 15 @ 3 PM at Main Event, 19441 I-45 North, Shenandoah, TX (near The Woodlands). Contact Theresa White for information.
  • Rehearsals for the 4:30 PM Christmas Eve children’s service have begun... Sundays @ 9 AM in the children's choir room. All children grades pre-k through 6th grade are invited to sing!
  • The Kempers extend an invitation to join them for some Ballroom Dancing, Saturday, December 15, 8:30 p.m. at the Chandelier Ballroom in the Heights, with Ed Gerlach and his big band music. Join the Christmas festivities! For Reservations: Call Earl and Dottie Kemper (832-229-4385) Cost: $12/person. Seating is limited.
  • Hosanna’s next IHN rotation is Sunday, December 16 - Sunday, December 23. Our guests will be staying at the In Town Suites, not the church. Meals need to be prepared and delivered to In Town December 16, 17 and 18. Drivers are needed for the truck and van December 16. See the back of the green “Welcome” insert to sign up.
  • Line up of services on Christmas Eve, Monday, December 24:
  • 4:30 PM - Service of Holy Communion with Candlelight-Child Friendly
  • 7 PM - Festival Service of Holy Communion with Candlelight
  • 9:30 PM - Christmas Eve Contemporary Service with Holy Communion and Candlelight

Family Life notes from Amber Walker…

  • College Student Get Together - We have missed you! Please join Amber on December 18 from 7-8 pm for coffee and conversation. I want to hear all about what you have been doing.

Lastly, this from Lois Heckart: Please share with congregation our thanks for the many acts of kindness shown to my dad, Cecil Young, regarding his recent surgery. He was very pleased with his prayer shawl and the cards from all including “The Men of Hosanna”. He has looked at the cards several times. He is progressing well but still on restricted activity (but hard to keep down).

A Little Humor:

Six reasons why Santa can't possibly be a man:

  • Men can't pack a bag.
  • Men would rather be dead than be caught wearing red velvet.
  • Men would feel their masculinity is threatened by having to hang out with all those elves.
  • Men don't answer their mail.
  • Men would refuse to allow their physique to be described as resembling a "bowlful of jelly."
  • Then there’s that old thing about men and directions. What if he got lost on Christmas Eve?

One more for good measure:

  • What do you call Santa's helpers?
  • Subordinate Clauses.

Dale Bargmann
Hosanna Parish Communications

Friday, November 23, 2007

Hosanna Cyberfline - November 23, 2007

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be moved, and though the mountains shake in the depths of the sea. (from Psalm 46)

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We smoked our turkey for the first time and it was delicious.

I’m happy and relieved to report that Hosanna’s Internet service was restored this past Monday morning. We had to purchase a new modem, but it includes secured wireless access. If you need to connect to it with your laptops for a meeting, contact me to get the numerical code. I wasn't’t able to upload last week’s This Week at Hosanna to the website until late Monday.

Thanks to everyone for submitting their Hotline articles on time. I was able to put everything in place by Tuesday afternoon. It is ready to print and will be mailed to homes early this coming week

A special prayer of thanksgiving... On Thanksgiving day I was notified that Dolores Jaramillo's son David is back in the U.S. from his tour in Iraq. Thanks be to God for keeping him safe.

Here is the link to This Week at Hosanna for November 25: Here is the link to the November Hotline, one last time:

This week…
  • Congregation meeting and Potluck next Sunday, December 2, after 11 AM worship.
    December 2 is also the First Sunday in Advent leading up to Christmas.
    Speaking of Christmas, here’s the line up of services for Christmas Eve:
  • 4:30 PM - Service of Holy Communion with Candlelight-Child Friendly
  • 7 PM - Festival Service of Holy Communion with Candlelight
  • 9:30 PM - Christmas Eve Contemporary Service with Holy Communion and Candlelight
  • WELCA is collecting used greeting cards for Leeza's Place, a non-profit organization in Melbourne, Florida, which provides services for patients with Alzheimer's and their care givers. The cards are recycled and made into new cards. for a Christmas Bazaar. Deadline for collecting the cards is this Sunday. Leave them in the kitchen under the phone

Other items…

  • Rehearsals for the 4:30 PM Christmas Eve children’s service have begun... Sundays @ 9:30 AM in the children's choir room. All children grades pre-k through 6th grade are invited to sing!
  • The Kempers are extending an invitation to join them for some Ballroom Dancing, Saturday, December 15, 8:30 p.m. at the Chandelier Ballroom in the Heights, with Ed Gerlach and his big band music. Join the Christmas festivities! For Reservations: Call Earl and Dottie Kemper (832-229-4385) Cost: $12/person. Seating is limited.
  • Hosanna’s next IHN rotation is Sunday, December 16 - Sunday, December 23. Our guests will be staying at the In Town Suites, not the church. Meals need to be prepared and delivered to In Town on December 16, 17 and 18. Drivers are needed for the truck and van on December 16. See the back of the green “Welcome” insert to sign up.

Family Life notes from Amber Walker…

  • Would you like to give a Children’s Talk at Sunday morning worship? See Amber to schedule a day, also for resources. (P.S. The Sundays in Advent are covered, but dates are open in January.)
  • Advent Retreat at Lutherhill, December 8-9 (grades 3-6). Register ASAP with Amber.

A Little Humor:

As we eat our Thanksgiving leftovers, here’s a Thanksgiving poem:

Tis the night before Thanksgiving and all through our house
No turkey is baking; I feel like a louse,
For I am all nestled, so snug in my bed;
I’m not gettin’ up and I’m not bakin’ bread.
No pies in my oven, no cranberry sauce
Cuz I give the orders, and I am the boss.
When out in the kitchen, there arose such a clatter
I almost got up to see what was the matter.
As I drew in my head and was tossing around
To the bed came my husband, he grimaced, he frowned.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
He scared me to death and I thought, “Here he goes!”
He spoke not a word as he threw back my quilt
And the look that he gave was intended to wilt.
So up to the ceiling my pillows he threw
I knew I had had it, his face had turned blue.
“You prancer, you dodger, you’re lazy, you vixen
Out yonder in kitchen, Thanksgiving you’re fixin.”
But he heard me explain, with my face in a pout:
"I'm just plain too tired and we're eating out!"

Dale Bargmann
Hosanna Parish Communications

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Hosanna Cyberfline - November 16, 2007

O sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things. (Ps. 98:1)

Hello again! I'm getting this our a little later than usual because we have no internet access at church (except wireless). Our modem went on the fritz. We got a new one from AT&T and Debbie and I will have to reset all the office computers on Monday.

Here is the link to This Week at Hosanna for November 18:

Here is the link to the November Hotline:

This Sunday, November 18…
  • Advent Workshop – this Sunday @ 6 PM, in the Fellowship Hall. Crafts, food, music and devotions. Cost: $15 per family and a plate of cookies. Sign up in the Narthex. Invite your friends and neighbors.
  • Growing to Serve Beyond Hosanna - You are invited to an Open House, this Sunday, 2-4 PM at Ron and Heda Christ’s house, 703 Romaine Lane. See what’s being done through Hosanna’s African Initiative, now in its second year of service, providing scholarships for needy High School students. Learn of the work of the Community Based Rehabilitation of the Margwanza Hospital, Tanzania, Africa. Appetizers and drinks. RSVP 281-440-7321.
  • Please donate a frozen turkey or $10 to purchase a turkey. NAM will provide 1,800 turkeys to families for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The NAM food pantry, at 15555 Kuykendahl, will be open this Sunday, November 18 from 12:30-2:30 to receive donations.
  • Mission of the Month collection this Sunday: Partnership for Youth and Family Ministry of the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod - The Vision of the Synod’s Partnership for Youth and Family Ministry is to equip every congregation in the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod with the tools to create a culture which develops vital, active, living faith in Jesus Christ in every child, youth, young adult and adult. One of the programs in which Hosanna is involved in is the Lutheran Youth Organization (LYO). Over the years our young people have been involved in their Ministry teams. This year Emma Hartmann, Jacob Romijn, Marquette Henderson, Laura and Andrew Greer worked on the Junior High Gathering held last weekend and Jordan Chaney and Lily Hartmann attended. Ask them about their experiences.We are asking you to dig into your pockets and purses and pull out any loose change you may be carrying. Deposit it in the buckets the ushers will be passing during the Offering. Thank you.

Family Life notes from Amber Walker...

  • Would you like to give a Children’s Talk at Sunday morning worship? See Amber to schedule a day, also for resources.
  • Advent Retreat at Lutherhill, December 8-9 (grades 3-6). Register ASAP with Amber.
  • Correction: Contrary to what was reported last week there will be a group Sunday school on November 25 (Sunday after Thanksgiving).

Other News…

  • Hosanna’s next IHN rotation is Sunday, December 16 - Sunday, December 23. Our guests will be staying at the In Town Suites, not at the church. Meals need to be prepared and delivered to In Town on December 16, 17 and 18. Drivers are needed for the truck and van on December 16. To volunteer contact Nickie Brooks.
  • Hosanna, through NAM, is again sponsoring the Holiday Toy Drive. Toy bags will be available in the Narthex. This is an opportunity for us to share our blessings with others. You may share the cost of filling a bag with a friend. The toy bags will be collected December 9 and 16 and taken to NAM. Please return bags no later than December 9
  • Seafarers’ Gift Boxes Update: This is the final week for the fundraiser. So far, Hosanna has contributed $1250 and Thrivent has provided Cash Assistance funds of $1400, enough to fill 102 boxes. That means Hosanna has met its goal. If we receive additional contributions this week we will be able to fill a few extra boxes. Thanks also for the shoe boxes you have provided. We have 100 and need only a few more. That's real nice work Hosanna!
  • Coffee servers are needed for Sunday mornings: 1 family to set up before 8 AM worship; 2 families to clean up after 11 AM worship. Duties are only performed every other month. Contact Gay Zimmerman at the Hosanna Office.
  • Rehearsals for the 4:30 PM Christmas Eve children’s service have begun... Sundays @ 9:30 AM in the children's choir room. All children grades Pre-K through 6th Grade are invited to sing! Parents, a sign up sheet is posted outside of the children's choir room; please indicate if your child(ren) will participate. See you there!
  • From Staff Support Team - Christmas is approaching - a time when we recognize special people with a gift. It is time to include in the offering plate a gift for our staff members who have served us through the year. Please put your gift in an envelope marked “Staff Christmas gift” and place it in the offering. Thank you.


  • Save Lids to Save Lives! Hosanna Women of the ELCA (WELCA) is collecting Yoplait lids to help in the fight against breast cancer. Lids must be pink in color, come from the 4 or 6 oz. yogurt containers and have an expiration date of 2007. Be sure to wash the lids and place them in the kitchen under the phone. Deadline is December 16. Questions? Contact Judy Finger.
  • Used Greeting Card Collection WELCA also is collecting used greeting cards for Leeza's Place, a non-profit organization in Melbourne, Florida, which provides services for patients with Alzheimer's and their care givers. The cards are recycled and made into new cards for a Christmas Bazaar. Deadline for collecting the cards is November 25. Place cards in the kitchen, under the phone. Questions? Contact Judy Finger.

Adult Education and small group opportunities…

  • Sunday Adult Education @ 9:30 AM features Luther: Gospel, Law and Reformation by Professor Phillip Cary. This 24-week course is led by Pastor Paul Frerking.
  • Wednesday Morning Bible Study @ 10 AM - This weekly study, led by Pastor Bill, focuses on the lessons for the following Sunday. There’s always hot coffee and treats. Afterward the fellowship continues with an inexpensive (and optional) lunch at a nearby restaurant.
  • Weekly Prayer Group meets every Wednesday @ 5:30 PM in the Library. They will be praying for the men and women in leadership roles who will be facing many decisions that affect the Hosanna church family

A Little Humor...

Some actual lines from resumes:

Being in trouble with the law, I moved quite frequently.

Experience: Professionally watered 22,500 office plants.

At the age of 12, I began hustling newspapers like many other great Americans had done. The only difference was that they became great.

And they were wondering why they didn’t get that new job!

Until next week, Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Hosanna Cyberfline - November 2, 2007

Hallelujah! Sing to the LORD a new song, (From Ps. 149)

A good Friday afternoon/evening to everyone:

This Sunday, November 4, is All Saints Sunday. We will affirm our baptisms, remember loved ones who have gone before us and dedicate new pavers in the courtyard.

Two last minute additions to the prayers listed in the weekly newsletter, as it was printed before we received this information:

Pray for Betty Campbell who had a double mastectomy Thursday morning at Methodist Hospital. She is now recovering in Rm 824. Pray for speady healing.

A personal note: I received word late last night that my daughter-in-law Angela gave birth to Nathan Frederick Bargmann, 8 lbs. 9 oz. Georgia and I are grandparents for the first time.

From the Call Committee… two items:

First, this is the last Sunday to fill out the CALL PROCESS CONGREGATIONAL SURVEY. Copies are in the narthex or online: Click the “Call Process Page” link on the Home Page. Place completed forms in the wooden boxes in the Narthex, or mail them to Hosanna (16526 Ella Blvd., Houston, TX 77090).

Second, I received this Call Committee Report from Call Committee member Sally Darling:
The Call Committee is in full swing. We met this past Monday with our consultant from the synod, Pastor Marlin Wogstad. We are getting many questions from the congregation, which is great; we appreciate your interest and are just as anxious as you are to get Hosanna moving to our next phase.

Here is a brief report for you that we hope will clarify what our job is and what we have been doing. Please feel free to ask any member of the committee if you need further information.

What is the Call Committee? These are the representatives of the church who were chosen to help assess the needs of the church so that the synod can choose appropriate candidates for Hosanna to consider as our next pastor.

Who is on the Call Committee?
Members were chosen to represent a wide variety of the congregation’s members. The committee includes Darryl Brown, Beth Chaney (chair), Sally Darling, Jon Evans, Jay Rohla and Mindy Williams.

What is the Call Committee doing right now? We are in the midst of writing an extensive profile of the church that will be used to determine Hosanna’s current and future needs. This involves: collecting and compiling the data from the survey all members have been asked to fill out during the past few weeks; interviewing members of council, committee heads and others involved in Hosanna’s work; collecting demographic data on the area surrounding Hosanna; and
writing a report that includes everything from a brief history of the congregation to describing the many services and ministries we provide.

Does the Call Committee actually choose the candidates for pastor? No, we help determine the needs of the church and give information to the synod, which, with the leadership of the bishop, chooses appropriate candidates to consider as our pastor. The Call Committee then observes and/or interviews the candidates provided and recommends a candidate. The candidate is then voted on by the council and the congregation.

What is the congregation’s job during the call process? Please participate in the survey and help provide any other information the committee may need from you. We also welcome your prayers so that, together, we can come up with the best candidate for Hosanna and the future of our congregation.

Family Life notes from Amber Walker...
  • Would you like to give a Children’s Talk at Sunday morning worship? See Amber to schedule a day, also for resources.
  • Thanks to Jan Dietzmann for organizing everything for Reformation Sunday.
  • No Sunday school for children November 25 (Sunday after Thanksgiving
Other News…

  • Seafarers’ Gift Boxes - Update: Hosanna has contributed $600 and Thrivent has added $1400 in Cash Assistance funds, enough to fill 77 boxes. If we receive another $600 in contributions in the next few weeks, we will be able to fill 100 boxes. Bob McConnell is accepting donations (Make checks payable to Men of Hosanna). Empty shoe boxes are needed. Give them to Bob or leave them next to the food pantry. CREW will pack the Christmas care boxes Sunday, December 9 @ 6 PM; Confirmation class will wrap them in Christmas paper Wednesday, December 19 @ 7 PM.
  • Coffee servers (am clean up) are needed for Sund8 am set up; 11 ay Morning to replace families that have recently moved. Contact Gay Zimmerman at the Hosanna Office.
  • From Staff Support Team - Christmas is approaching - a time when we recognize special people with a gift. It is time to include in the offering plate a gift for our staff members who have served us through the year. Please put your gift in an envelope marked “Staff Christmas gift“ and place it in the offering. Thank you.

Coming soon…

  • Texas Thanksgiving, a 25-year Hosanna tradition - Saturday, November 10 @ 6-9 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Not your usual celebration with turkey, stuffing, whipped potatoes and gravy, but lots of home-made chili and pie, followed by rounds of Bunco. Cost: $5 per person. Sign up to bring chili or pie. Adults only. Questions? Call Nerisa McConnell (281-440-5432) or Sue King (281-353-1242).
  • 6th Annual Veteran’s Day Service sponsored jointly by Hosanna, Kinsmen and Lord of Life. This year’s service is at Lord of Life Lutheran Church, 3801 S. Panther Creek Dr., The Woodlands, Sunday, November 11 @ 2 PM
  • Senior’s to Santa’s Wonderland - It starts with a dinner buffet, then a hayride through the outdoor lights and displays at Santa’s Wonderland near College Station. After the hayride, tour the Texas-style Christmas village featuring artisans, live shows, musical entertainment, holiday foods and shopping for unique gifts. Watch classic Christmas movies on a giant outdoor screen and enjoy a cozy outdoor fireplace. Friday, November 16 (be at Hosanna by 3 PM); bus leaves @ 3:15 PM and returns to Hosanna around 9:30 PM. Cost: $23 per person.
  • Advent Workshop - Sunday, November 18 @ 6 PM, in the Fellowship Hall. Crafts, food, music and devotions. Cost: $15 per family and a plate of cookies. Sign up in the Narthex. Invite your friends and neighbors.
  • Growing to Serve Beyond Hosanna - You are invited to an Open House, Sunday November 18, 2-4 PM at Ron and Heda Christ’s house, 703 Romaine Lane. See what’s being done through Hosanna’s African Initiative, now in its second year of service, providing scholarships for needy High School students. Learn of the work of the Community Based Rehabilitation of the Margwanza Hospital, Tanzania, Africa. Appetizers and drinks. RSVP 281-440-7321.

For the good of the community…

  • From the Care Team: Northwest Assistance Ministries (NAM) is holding its Thanksgiving food distribution November 12. Donations to buy turkeys are appreciated. Also, please bring non-perishable food for the NAM pantry. Thank you for caring as always.
  • Save Lids to Save Lives! - Hosanna Women of the ELCA (WELCA) is collecting Yoplait lids to help in the fight against breast cancer. Lids must be pink in color, come from the 4 or 6 oz. yogurt containers and have an expiration date of 2007. Be sure to wash the lids and place them in the kitchen under the phone. Deadline is December 16. Questions? Contact Judy Finger.
  • Used Greeting Card Collection - WELCA also is collecting used greeting cards for Leeza's Place, a non-profit organization in Melbourne, Florida, which provides services for patients with Alzheimer's and their care givers. The cards are recycled and made into new cards for a Christmas Bazaar. Deadline for collecting the cards is November 25. Place cards in the kitchen, under the phone. Questions? Contact Judy Finger.
  • Lutheran Volunteer BLITZ Gulf Coast and New Orleans Area - November/December 2007 Come, be a part of the healing of hearts, homes and communities! For information and to volunteer, contact:,

Education and small group opportunities…

  • Sunday Adult Education @ 9:30 AM features Luther: Gospel, Law and Reformation by Professor Phillip Cary. This 24-week course is led by Pastor Paul Frerking.
  • Wednesday Morning Bible Study @ 10 AM - This weekly study, led by Pastor Bill, focuses on the lessons for the following Sunday. There’s always hot coffee and treats. Afterward the fellowship continues with an inexpensive (and optional) lunch at a nearby restaurant.
  • Weekly Prayer Group meets every Wednesday @ 5:30 PM in the Library. They pray for the men and women in leadership roles who face many decisions that affect the Hosanna church family.

A Little Humor...

Some short letters from children to God:

Dear God: I bet it is very hard for you to love all of everybody in the whole world. There are only 4 people in our family and I can never do it. Nan

Dear God: I didn't think orange went with purple until I saw the sunset you made on Tuesday. That was cool! Eugene

Dear God: We read Thomas Edison made light. But in Sunday school they said you did it. So I bet he stoled your idea. Sincerely, Donn

Dear God: Instead of letting people die and having to make new ones, why don't you just keep the ones you have now? Jane

Dale Bargmann
Hosanna Parish Communications