Hosanna Cyberline-September 30, 2006
Greetings again,
First, the links to the most recent newsletters and other information sources so you can stay in touch with what's going on at Hosanna:
"This Week at Hosanna" for Sunday, October 1: http://www.welcometohosanna.com/weekly_news.pdf
October Hotline: http://www.welcometohosanna.com/monthly_news.pdf
It's not too early to submit articles for the November issue. Please email editorials and announcements to: Dale Bargmann.
October Assisting Minister schedule: http://www.welcometohosanna.com/layministry.pdf
Now for the updates:
First, This message is going out a day later than usual, as Georgia, Garrett and I spent the last couple days in Minneapolis/St. Paul with my son Jim, who's birthday is today, September 30. Amongst other things we went to an apple orchard. Don't ever eat a "Honeycrisp" apple! It will ruin your taste for Red Delicious and other common store varieties. The Honeycrisp doesn't ship well so we may never see it here in Houston. But they are so sweet and crisp, just like the name implies.
There's lots going on tomorrow (Sunday, October 1):
1. @ 9:30... Opening session of a month-long series on Martin Luther. We will study his life and teachings, including his posting the 95 Theses, his exile at the Wartburg, his debates with secular and church leaders, his married life with his beloved Katie and their 6 children, his Bible translation, his writings... just about everything, including visits to the Wartburg castle and the cities of Wittenberg, Eisleben, Worms, Erfurt, Eisenach, etc.
2. Blood Drive during worship service times
3. Coffee Sunday. See Heda Christ and purchase your gourmet coffee.
4. CREW parents are asked to attend tomorrow night's meeting.
5. Next to last day to order copies of the new Lutheran Worship hymnal for $17.50. The price goes up to $20 on Tuesday. The first two printings are sold out. A third has been scheduled.
Youth related items:
Confirmation Banquet is Sunday, October 15 @ 6 PM
Confirmation is Sunday, October 22 at 11 AM Worship
Another reminder of the Annual Hosanna-Kinsmen Golf Classic scheduled for 8 AM, Saturday, October 14 at Bear Creek Golf Course. It is open to all men, women and High School-age young adults. Cost is $46 per player, payable by Sunday, October 8. Make checks out to Men of Hosanna. A box lunch is included. Compete for trophies and longest drives and closest to pin awards. Form your own groups and sign up in the Narthex. Contact Bob @281-440-5432.
Mission and Ministry Fair is next Sunday, October 8. Check out all the opportunities for service at Hosanna and find your passion!
Annual trip to Wursfest in New Braufels is Saturday, November 4 - Sign up at the table in the narthex or on the back of the green "Welcome" bulletin insert.
1st annual CREW Garage Sale is Saturday, October 21. Athena Friday-Black is in charge of this event. All money raised will buy gifts for the children and families on the cancer floor at Texas Children's Hospital. This is a cause very close to Hosanna's heart. Please support us by making donations. Call Athena @ 281-355-0036.
1st annual CREW Garage Sale is Saturday, October 21. Athena Friday-Black is in charge of this event. All money raised will buy gifts for the children and families on the cancer floor at Texas Children's Hospital. This is a cause very close to Hosanna's heart. Please support us by making donations. Call Athena @ 281-355-0036.
1st annual CREW Garage Sale is Saturday, October 21. Athena Friday-Black is in charge of this event. All money raised will buy gifts for the children and families on the cancer floor at Texas Children's Hospital. This is a cause very close to Hosanna's heart. Please support us by making donations. Call Athena @ 281-355-0036.
From Lois Heckart: She has "Jeans and Jewels" raffle tickets to benefit for NAM. They are $20 each or 6 for $100. The prize is a trip to Kuai with 2 first class round trip tickets on Continental and accommodations for 6. You can reach Lois at 281.350.9549. Leave a message and she'll will get back to you.
Coming in November...the annual Veterans Day service at Hosanna, November 12 @ 2 PM. We will remember those who served and those who continue to serve.
All Lutheran Men (9th grade and older): You are needed to help vision as we increase our synod's commitment to men's ministry, starting with a visioning time... VISIONING MEN'S MINISTRY - Essential for our church. Did you know that statistics reveal that families and congregations are more likely to thrive when men are actively engaged in their faith? October 17 from 7 to 9 PM Advent Lutheran Church, 5820 Pinemont Dr. Houston
On the home page of the Hosanna Web site: A reminder to check out the "Hosanna Blog"--an open forum--where you can read articles posted by Staff and Council members. There's info on the Pastor's Discretionary Fund, Synod Questions, etc. Please read them and join the discussion.
Jim Meszaros, Hosanna's Thrivent Financial for Lutherans representative, and Valeria Islam, who runs Hosanna's successful ESL classes, will sponsor the coffee hour on Sunday, October 22. They are encouraging everyone to become associate members of Thrivent, for just $10 per year. You will get educational benefits and Thrivent will help with outreach and improvement projects. Please stop by and visit Jim and Val. Then come to the Luther study.
Those are the highlights. Be sure to read "This Week at Hosanna" and the "Hosanna Blog" for more.
A little humor:
One of the things we did this past Thursday while in Minneapolis was to visit the Prairie Home Companion shop at the Mall of America. Here are some bits and pieces from a book of Lutheran humor (from many different sources):
You Might Be A Lutheran If...
...when you were little you actually thought the Reverend's first name was "Pastor."
...you think you're paying your pastor too much if he gets a new car for the first time in eight years.
...you hear something really funny and smile as loud as you can.
...doughnuts are in the official church budget.
...they have to rope off the last pews in church so the front isn't empty.
...you're watching "Star Wars" in the theater and when they say, "May the force be with you," the theater replies, "and also with you."
...you tap a church visitor on the shoulder and say, "excuse me, but you're in my seat."
...you doodle on the back of communion cards (does anyone still use those things?).
...you can say the meal prayer all in one breath.
...Bach is your favorite composer just because he was Lutheran, too.
...you hesitate to clap for the church choir or special music because "it just wasn't done that way in the old days."
...your church library has three Jell-O cookbooks.
...you laugh out loud while reading this list, and relive your childhood at the same time.
...you can actually come up with responses to this.
... you pronounce the word Lutheran "Lutern."
...requests you hear are preceeded or followed by the phrase, "If it's not too much trouble then..."
...you know all the words to the first verse of "Silent Night" in German but can't speak a word of it.
God bless your coming week,
Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications