Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hosanna Cyberfline - January 12, 2007

A blessed Friday to everyone.

We are saddened to learn of the death in December of the mother of Hosanna's former Associate Pastor, Marie Rostvik.

By the way, here is the URL of the web site for Pastor Marie's parish, Christ Church, Kincardine O’Neil, Scotland:

Click the "Photos" link on the left for some images of the church building exterior and interior.

Here is Pastor Marie's mailing address, so you can send her a card:

Rev. Marie Rostvick
7 North Deeside Road,
Kincardine O'Neil, Aboyne,
Aberdeenshire, AB34 5AA

Pastor Tart and family return from vacation this Sunday. Hopefully nobody broke or sprained something while skiing in Vail, Colorado. Pastor David and Daryll Brown will team up for the sermon as we begin the January stewardship emphasis, "Ask, Thank, Tell."

There will be a Potluck after the 11 AM worship service, January 28.

There are three sign-ups on the back of the green "Welcome" sheet this week:

One is an order form for "Tripp Smith's Famous Buffalo Wings." The are $12 per dozen; the sauce is $7 per jar. Proceeds benefit the CREW 2007 mission trip to the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission, to run their VBS program.

Another signup is for the Sabbatical Team to plan for this summer when Pastor Tart will be off "recharging his batteries."

Third, Care Team is asking for volunteers to transport those unable to drive or not on a bus route to Sunday worship services and/or Wednesday morning Bible study. I have had calls from people asking if someone were available to drive them to the church for worship or Bible study.

The Hosanna Craft Fair is Saturday, March 3 to benefit the Mulkey Scholarship Endowment. Booth Fee is $50. Contact Beth Chaney: or Amber Walker:

Here is the link to the online version of "This Week at Hosanna" for any other news:

Team Leaders and Staff: Don't forget to send me your annual reports, if you haven't already done so. They are needed ASAP (at least by the Congregation Meeting, February 11 after 11 AM worship).

Men... Don't forget the Annual Men's Breakfast, Saturday, February 20 at Luby's. Cost: $7. It starts at 8 am. Bring a friend or neighbor.


Don't let your worries get the best of you. Remember that Moses started out as a basket case.

People are funny. They want the front of the bus, the middle of the road and the back of the church.

The good Lord didn't create anything without a purpose, but mosquitoes come close.

God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called.

I'll end with this little prayer:

May God bring us:
Enough happiness to keep us sweet;
Enough success to keep us eager;
Enough friends to give us comfort;
Enough enthusiasm to keep us looking forward;
Enough faith to overcome despair;
Enough determination to use every day and situation somehow for good.

God's richest blessings, Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications


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