Hosanna Cyberline - May 25, 2007
Hosanna Cyberline - May 25, 2007
A good and God Blessed Friday before the Memorial Day Weekend. I was reminded last week while in Colorado that this the weekend when plowing crews work feverishly to open 12,000-foot-high Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain National Park. There's still a lot of white patches on the high peaks of the Front Range, visible from I-25 north of Denver.
Here is the link to the weekly news for the coming Sunday (Pentecost): http://www.welcometohosanna.com/weekly_news.pdf
Here is the link to the New June Hotline, to be mailed out to homes next week:
Next Sunday, June 3
Day of Celebration for Sunday school and Pastor Tart’s 9 Years of Service at Hosanna
It all begins with worship @ 10 AM,followed by short congregation meeting to elect vacant council positions.
There will be a catered meal.
Share your memories as we “roast” Pastor Tart
Games and Activities for Children
Everyone is invited! Let’s party and let’s send Pastor Tart off with fond memories. Sign up on the back of the green “welcome” insert to aid in planning the meal.
The congregation has an opportunity to contribute to a special fund to present to Pastor Tart on Sunday, June 3rd as a going away gift, Please make checks payable to Hosanna and mark them “Pastor Tart Gift.”
Summer schedule begins June 17 with worship
@ 8 and 11 AM, fellowship and education hour @ 9:30 AM.
Contrary to any misinformation that may be floating around, Adult Education will continue through the summer months!
We will be using the study, “Daily Discipleship” from the ELCA website.
It is an Online Bible study designed for personal devotions, small or large groups. Each session can be downloaded and copied for participants, in PDF format or MS Word.
Each two-page session includes: Word of Life: biblical background, Word Among Us: a connection of the biblical theme with daily life, and Last Word: a suggestion for applying a faith practice in the coming week.
Length: 45-60 minutes
You can read the lessons and print out the study at the NEW Bible Studies Online link on Home Page of the Hosanna Website:
Or, http://www.welcometohosanna.com/Bible_Study.htm
I've added other resources to the page, such as a read the Bible in a Year link, a daily Bible reading, links to online Bible translations, a Hebrew/Greek text search, and various Bible quizzes, just for fun. More will be added later, so check it out from time to time.
Family Life News
Russ and Amber Walker are celebrating their Tenth Anniversary this weekend. Congratulations!!!! Here is the message she wrote before they flew off to Belize:
Hey Everyone! Hope your summer is off to a great start. What a wonderful school year we had. Let's make this summer just as fun. Things to remember this month:
VBS starts Sunday night, June 10 at 5:30 with a meal. You can register by visiting the website.
Summer Sunday school starts June 10 and we still need a couple more teachers. Please see Amber if you would like to help out. The curriculum is great and online for your convenience.
CREW we will continue to meet this summer on Monday nights from 6:30 - 8:30.
Also, your trip money is due by July 1 so check your mail for your bill.
Confirmands leave for camp this month. If you would like to drop them a line let me know and I will get you the address.
VBS: This year VBS will be in the evening, June 10-14, beginning with dinner served at 5:30 PM. VBS itself is from 6:30 to 8 PM. Sign on the Home Page of the Hosanna Website (see the gold button near the bottom), or click here:
The form also includes a sign up for those who can help with VBS.
We are still collecting items for VBS. Please pick up a list and make a donation. It all helps the kids.
Final Garage Sale Report
The total came to: $1804.80. Care Team thanks everyone for their help and support.
Last, I want to leave you with this List of things to do:
• Sign up, online, for VBS (also to teach or to prepare meals).
• Sign up for the catered meal next Sunday.
• Sign up to help with IHN: June 17-24.
A Little Humor
Ten Things You Never Hear in Church
1. "Hey! It's my turn to sit in the front pew!"2. "I was so enthralled, I never even noticed your sermon went 25 minutes."3. "Personally I find witnessing much more enjoyable than golf."4. "I've decided to give our church the $500 a month I've been sending to TV Evangelists."5. "I'll volunteer to be the permanent teacher for the Junior High Sunday School class."6. "Forget the denominational minimum salary. Let's pay our pastor so he can live like we do!"7. "I love it when we sing hymns I've never heard before."8. "Since we're all here, let's start the service early!"9. "Pastor, we'd like to send you to this Bible seminar in the Bahamas."10. "Nothing inspires me and strengthens my commitment to the Lord like our annual stewardship campaign."
Have a safe Memorial Day weekend and drive carefully.
Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications dale@welcometohosanna.com