Hosanna Cyberline - May 3, 2007
A happy Thursday to all the Hosanna family,
I felt I needed to send this out a day early, so here goes:
The online version of "This Week at Hosanna":
May Hotline:
First, an important reminder:
Please... You can drop items off at Hosanna anytime for the Annual Garage Sale. The sale takes place this Saturday, May 5 from 8 am to 3 pm in the Fellowship Hall and Narthex. Furniture items are especially needed. Also, people are needed at 3 pm to help pack up any remaining items to go to NAM's Second Change Retail Shop.
Some other important meetings over the next couple weeks:
May 6 - Council Meeting @ 12:30 PM
May 8 - Building Finance Committee @ 7 PM
May 8 - Seniors Trip: Guided Folk Art Tour @ 8:15 AM
May 13 - Mother's Day - CREW Mother's Day Car Wash
May 15 - Mulkey Scholarship Application Deadline (Important for graduating seniors who plan to attend college!)
Also, I need all June Hotline articles by May 15. It is best to email them to me. I will be heading to Minnesota that day but I need to complete work on this issue soon after my return.
A reminder from Hosanna Care Team:
NAM (Northwest Assistance Ministries) is within $18,000 of completing the last phase of a $500,000 challenge grant from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation. NAM has until Dec. 31 to raise the remaining $18,000. Dollars applied toward the grant actually count two for one.
The Weinberg Foundation has offered to match dollar for dollar funds raised for the endowment fund up to $500,000. The grant is payable in $100,000 installments. NAM has matched and received four installment payments.
Once fully funded, the grant means NAM will have a $1 million endowment and the interest income will help cover the maintenance costs of NAM's main building. Long term, the growth of the endowment means building maintenance expenses may never impact client services.
You can donate online @ http://www.namonline.org
Look for the Donate Now button on the upper right of the Home Page.
NAM also needs candy-making volunteers for their truffle project
NAM's Meals on Wheels Program needs drivers
A note from Janet Flink and the Hosanna Women of the ELCA:
The Women of Hosanna will meet for lunch on Wednesday, May 9 at 12:00 at Northgate Forest Country Club. We welcome all women of Hosanna. Please join us for a wonderful buffet luncheon and fellowship. The cost will be $12. Please e-mail Janet Flink at janet@flinks.net or call 281-444-8089 if you will be able to attend. If you need instructions, please let me know.
As most, if not all, of you know, Pastor Tart has received a Call to serve as Senior Pastor at Peace Lutheran in Pasadena, Texas. We need to pray for him during this time as he contemplates his decision to accept or return the call.
Regardless of his decision the summer worship, fellowship and education schedule for Sunday mornings is:
June 3: One Worship Service @ 10 AM
June 10-September 2: Two worship services @ 8 and 11 AM; Family Fellowship Hour between services with drinks and treats. Adult education continues @ 9:30 AM.
Today is the National Day of Prayer. Keep that in mind as we at Hosanna face some possible decisions in the weeks ahead.
A personal note: Today, my wife Georgia and I are celebrating our 10th anniversary. Thank you, Georgia, for a decade's worth of wonderful days.
A Little Humor:
Top 10 ways the Bible would be different if College students would have written it:
10. Loaves and Fishes replaced by Pizza and Chips.
9. Ten Commandments are actually only five, double-spaced and written in a large font.
8. Forbidden fruit would have been eaten because it wasn't dorm food.
7. Paul's Letters to the Romans become Paul's E-Mail to the Romans.
6. Reason Cain killed Abel: They were roommates.
5. The place where the end of the world occurs: not Armageddon, but Finals.
4. Book of Armaments would be in there somewhere.
3. Reason why Moses and followers walked in desert for 40 years: They didn't want to ask directions and look like a Freshman.
2. Tower of Babel blamed for Foreign Language requirement.
1. Instead of God creating the world in six days and resting on the seventh, He would have put it off until the night before it was due and then pulled an all-nighter and hoped no one noticed.
Have a great weekend!
Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications
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