Hosanna Cyberline - March 23, 2007
A good day to all in the Hosanna family,
The online version of "This Week at Hosanna":
NEW April Hotline, hot off the presses:
It will be mailed out to homes early next week.
Give Blood Give Blood Give Blood Give Blood Give Blood Give Blood Give Blood Give Blood
Another not so subtle reminder that the Donor Coach will be at Hosanna this Sunday, during all worship services. Drop by. Give a pint. Save a life. Hosanna members gave an average of 18 units per month last year. Let's double that.
Next Sunday, April 1 is Palm Sunday. It also is the start of IHN Week at Hosanna. Three families will be our guests. We still need meals prepared for Tuesday and Wednesday. Give Nickie Brooks a call: 281-288-6370.
Good Friday Golf Tournament
April 6 • Fox Creek Golf Club near Hempstead 4 person Texas ScrambleOpen to all men, women, high school-age and guests of Hosanna and Kinsmen
Form your own foursomes or just sign up and be assigned to a team • $42 each (includes range balls, barbecue dinner, green fees and cart)
Contests for low team scores, longest drives and closest to pins on par 3’s
Sign up poster in the Narthex • Deadline: April 1
Contact Bob McConnell: 281-440-5432
Annual Progressive Dinner
March 31 @ 6 PM $7 per person
Last chance to sign up!Call: Nerisa McConnell (281-440-5432) or Sue King (281-353-1242)
Note to all who ordered personal copies of the ELW: They can be picked up at the table in the narthex between services.
Family Life Update From Amber Walker, Family Life Minister
CREW: Breakfast at Denny's on April 1. Meet at church.
Easter Breakfast Fundraiser on Easter Sunday, April 8 from 8-12. Free will offering.
April Seniors Trip
Tuesday, April 10 the Seniors (50+) will go to the Varner-Hogg Plantation. Texas governor James Hogg purchased this plantation on the Brazos River in 1901. See the majestic antebellum home along with many of the Hogg family heirlooms, period furniture and historic documents. We will have a private tour and a demonstration of the old sugar cane equipment (including a tasting of the sugar cane juice). Cost: $10 + lunch at the Baytown Seafood Restaurant (not included). Leave Hosanna @ 8 am and return around 4 PM.
Easter Egg Hunt
Hosanna will have it's annual Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 7 at 10 am. To prepare for this, Confirmation is asking for donations of candy and small toys to be left in the narthex. All candy must be individually wrapped and received by April 1. Please bring a snack to share that morning. See Valerie Oden for questions.
Holy Week Services
Maundy Thursday - April 5
6:15 PM - Worship for families with small children, with the Hosanna Carolers
7:30 PM - Worship with the Hosanna Girls Ensemble
Good Friday - April 6
7:30 PM - Worship with the Brass Ensemble and Women's Chamber Chorus
Holy Saturday - April 7
7:30 PM - Easter Vigil with the Brass Ensemble and Hosanna Choir
Easter Sunday - April 8
8 AM - Holy Communion service with the Hosanna Choir and Brass Ensemble
9:30 AM - Holy Communion service with Faith Journey
11 AM - Holy Communion service with the Hosanna Choir, Girls Ensemble and Brass Ensemble
Second Annual Fashion Show Benefiting Breast Cancer Research
Featuring CAbi Spring Fashions modeled by ladies from Epiphany, Hosanna, Kinsmen and St. Timothy
Held at St. Timothy Lutheran
14225 Hargrave Road
Sunday, April 22 - 2-4 PM
Tickets: $10 per person
Or reserve whole table: $80
Refreshments served.
Guest Speaker Barbara Fowler
Chair of the Advisory Council for Susan G. Komen For the Cure Foundation
Information? 281-469-2457
Matching funds by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Election of Officers
The Hosanna Constitution states that the Treasurer, the Financial Secretary, the Secretary, and leaders of the Ministry Teams shall be elected by the congregation in odd-numbered years. This election will occur on June 3, and those elected will take office September 1.
The Lay Leadership Team is requesting the help of the congregation in this process.
You may submit your name or that of others for consideration as nominees for positions. Click below to print out a form with a list of offices and their duties:
This form is also included in the April HOTLINE.
Write in the name of your nominee and turn the form into the church office.
Suggestions also can be made by e-mailing Teresa Albin before May 15th: teresa@welcometohosanna.com. In your email please state what you think qualifies this person to serve in this ministry.
Lay Leadership Team will contact all individuals suggested to ascertain their willingness to serve, so you do not need to get the prior consent of the people you suggest. Nominees will be selected from those suggested to present to the congregation for election.
All women on the ELCA are invited to attend the Spring Fling breakfast on Saturday, April 21 from 9-11 am here at Hosanna. Tickets are $7 and can be purchased April 1st and 15th.
The Prayer Shawl group is looking for donations of yarn. If you would like to help, please contact Sonya Talus.
The next Congregation Meeting is Sunday, April 15 following 11 AM worship. The meal is a potluck, so everyone needs to bring various courses. Sign up in the Narthex.
Finally, don't forget the Easter Clean-up Saturday, March 31 @ 8 AM
A Little Humor:
Scripture verse posted on the door of the infant changing room in the nursery at Wekiva Assembly of God, Longwood, FL:
"We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed."
Message on a sign outside a Protestant church:
Sign spotted in a Washington, DC, church parking lot:
"No Parking. Violators will be baptized."
Mary Rose Betten, Catholic lay leader /playwright, was directing a children's Easter performance and overseeing the casting so that each child felt comfortable with his or her role.
One boy insisted he wanted to be the rock in front of the garden tomb. "Wouldn't you like to have a speaking role?" she asked him. But he would have no other.
The presentation went smoothly. Once again, she asked the boy why he wanted to play the rock. His smile beamed at her: "Oh, it felt so good to let Jesus out of the tomb."
Pastor's Blooper: "This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Johnson to come forward and lay an egg on the altar."
I'm reattaching the Publicity Flyer in hopes that you'll use it as an invitation to a neighbor or friend to come give Hosanna a try. If you live in an apartment complex, maybe you can post it on a community bulletin board.
Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications
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