Hosanna Cyberline - February 2, 2007
It's that time of week again,
Here is the online version of "This Week at Hosanna":
The February Hotline was mailed out earlier this week. Here is the web site link:
More people are needed to serve on the Sabbatical Team to plan for this summer when Pastor Tart will be off "recharging his batteries." We need your ideas and input.
Care Team is still asking for volunteers to transport those unable to drive or not on a bus route to Sunday worship services and/or Wednesday morning Bible study.
Amber is ordering special T-shirts for the CREW, in Hot Pink and Turquoise with Lime Green Lettering. Sign up so she knows how many to order.
The Hosanna Craft Fair is Saturday, March 3 to benefit the Mulkey Scholarship Endowment. Booth Fee is $50. VENDORS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE THIS A SUCCESS. Contact Beth Chaney: basketlady1960@sbcglobal.net or Amber Walker: amber.walker@welcometohosanna.com
Ladies, Last chance to sign up for the Valentine's breakfast, Saturday, February 10, 9 - 10:30 AM at Luby's, FM 1960 at Cali Dr. Tickets are $7.50. Sign up in the Narthex.
The Annual Congregation meeting is Sunday, February 11 after the 11 AM service. There are some important things to discuss, so hang around. There will be food as usual.
One more reminder to check out the Grace Matters link to the home page. You will find live stream, Podcast and MP3 versions. Houston currently has no radio stations carrying this weekly 30 minute broadcast.
Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent, is February 21. There will be 2 services that evening: 6:15 and 7:30. The preaching themes for this year's WEDNESDAY Lenten services are from the 5 chapters of the epistle of 1 John. You might want to read it ahead of time as a way of preparation.
THIS COMING WEDNESDAY @ 7 pm, I will be leading a new Bible Study for anyone unable to make the Wednesday morning Bible Study, or those who teach Sunday School or anyone else who would like to get together and learn some new insights into the word of God. What we study is up to the group. We can start with the readings for the coming Sunday, pick a book, whatever. Just come. Most of you know about the photo resources I have available. Just come.
Those are the highlights. Check out the weekly news for more.
HOSANNA IS... Start thinking about this. Jeff Hartmann and I will be asking for your thoughts on what Hosanna means to you, what we do best as a community, what brings you here every week, what brought you here in the first place, etc. Jeff will be recording pieces for a DVD; I need your responses for a mailer I'm putting together. IF YOU WANT TO EMAIL YOUR RESPONSES, PLEASE DO. I'M REALLY INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY. Thanks in advance for your participation.
A boy listened closely as the rabbi read the Bible.
"May I ask a question?' he asked.
"Sure. Go ahead."
"Well, the Bible says that the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea. Then the children of Israel built the temple in Jerusalem. And, the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. The children of Israel did this and the children of Israel did that. Didn't the grownups ever do anything?"
God's peace to you all this day,
Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications
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