Friday, March 16, 2007

Hosanna Cyberfline - March 16, 2007

Give Blood Give Blood Give Blood Give Blood Give Blood Give Blood Give Blood

A not very subtile reminder that the Bloold Mobile will be at Hosanna Sunday, March 25 during all worship services. Drop by. Give a pint. Save a life.

Hosanna members gave an average of 18 units per month last year. Let's double that.

IHN (Interfaith Hospitality Network) Week at Hosanna is fast approaching. Some slots still need filling. See the back of the green "Welcome" insert and check off a date. Especially needed are meals prepared for the various days. Make extra food for dinner one night and freeze it.
Call Nickie Brooks and let her know you can help out: 281-288-6370.

Good Friday Golf Tournament

April 6 • Fox Creek Golf Club near Hempstead 4 person Texas ScrambleOpen to all men, women, high school-age and guests of Hosanna and Kinsmen
Form your own foursomes or just sign up and be assigned to a team • $42 each (includes range balls, barbecue dinner, green fees and cart)
Contests for low team scores, longest drives and closest to pins on par 3’s
Sign up poster in the Narthex • Deadline: April 1
Contact Bob McConnell: 281-440-5432

Annual Progressive Dinner

March 31 @ 6 PM $7 per person
Sign up in the Narthex or call:
Nerisa McConnell (281-440-5432) or Sue King (281-353-1242)

April Seniors Trip

Tuesday, April 10 the Seniors (50+) will go to the Varner-Hogg Plantation. Texas governor James Hogg purchased this plantation on the Brazos River in 1901. See the majestic antebellum home along with many of the Hogg family heirlooms, period furniture and historic documents. We will have a private tour and a demonstration of the old sugar cane equipment (including a tasting of the sugar cane juice). Cost: $10 + lunch at the Baytown Seafood Restaurant (not included). Leave Hosanna @ 8 am and return around 4 PM.

The March Mission of the Month is Lutherhill Ministries, our synod’s camp in La Grange.

Lutherhill Ministries makes every effort to allow as many people to benefit from the blessings of camp. Every camper at Lutherhill comes on a partial scholarship and last summer more that 70 campers received funds to make camp more affordable. Your donations will help campers who might not have had the chance to learn, laugh and play in the love of Christ at Lutherhill. Thank you for your support for the ministries at Lutherhill.

We are asking you to dig into you pockets and purses and pull out any loose change you may be carrying. Deposit it in the containers, labeled Lutherhill at the back of the church. All money collected today will be sent to Lutherhill for their campership fund.

"Lamb of God" Texas Lutheran University Choir Spring Tour coming to Houston this Week. Here are the places and dates of their three concerts:

Thursday, March 22: Covenant Lutheran
Friday, March 23: Christ the King Lutheran
Saturday, March 24: Lord of Life Lutheran

This Sunday Amber Walker will meet with confirmation for the last time from 7-8 PM. Something fun is planned.

A little humor...

A new pastor was visiting the homes of his parishioners. At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door. Therefore, he took out a business card and wrote "Revelation 3:20" on the back and stuck it in the door.

When the offering was passed the following Sunday, the pastor found that his business card had been returned. Added to it was the cryptic message: "Genesis 3:10."

Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter.

Revelation 3:20 begins, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock." Genesis 3:10 reads, "I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid for I was naked."

Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications


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