Hosanna Cyberfline - February 16, 2007
Here's the announcements for this week:
Here is the online version of "This Week at Hosanna":
February Hotline:
Reminder: The Deadline for submitting March Hotline articles is TODAY, February 16.
Lent begins next Wednesday, February 21 (Ash Wednesday). There will be two Services @ 6:15 and 7:30 PM
On subsequent Wednesdays, February 28 - March 28 there will be Lenten Soup Suppers @ 5:45 PM followed by worship @ 6:45 PM.
Annual Meeting moved to Feb 25 - We were 2 or 3 people short of quorum at the February 11 meeting. Where did everyone go? Therefore we will meet again after the 11 AM service on February 25. We have two items of business that need congregational votes: approval of the annual reports and election of delegates. The meeting will be short, so please plan on staying. We will meet in the Sanctuary and there will be no meal.
There will be a Spanish Worship Service, Saturday, February 24 @ 6 PM. This will be part of Hosanna's regular schedule in the future, as we reach out to the Hispanic community. Pastor Erbey Gonzalaz of Ascension in Tomball will preside. Let's show our support for this new outreach. Here is the invitation in Spanish:
Te invitamos
A una misa en español en la
Iglesia Luterana Hosanna
Empezando el sábado 24 de Febrero a las 6 PM
Todos son bienvenidos
March Seniors’ Outing
Seniors will experience a Wild Safari at their next meeting, Monday, March 12. Meet at Hosanna @ 8:15 AM; depart @ 8:30 AM. Lunch is at a German restaurant; prices start @ $6.95. We will return to Hosanna by 2:30/3:30 PM. Cost: $10 per person + plus lunch. Please sign up and pay Dorothy Petersen by March 7.
Be sure to sign up to help with IHN (Interfaith Hospitality Network) week, March 25-April 1. See the back of the green "Welcome" sheet or call Nickie Brooks: 281-288-6370
Coffee Hour
Starting Sunday and continuing until Easter, coffee will be served in the South Narthex.
Wednesday, March 14, the Morning Bible Study has been invited to meet at Paradise Springs Independent Living, 5600 Cypresswood Dr. @ 10:30 AM. The group will not meet at the church that day. Lunch will be provided by Paradise Springs.
Speaking of the South Narthex: The pantry/cupboard is now the "Library of Care and Healing." You will find materials offering concise, holistic help and understanding for some of life's toughest issues. Feel free to take take one home and return it when you are done reading it. Let Pastoral Assistant Jo Oddo know if it has been helpful.
In addition to the Wednesday morning Bible Study, there is now a Bible study Wednesday evenings @ 6 PM. We will study Jesus’ Lenten journey to the cross. Later, participants will decide on a book of the Bible for in-depth study and discussion. We'll continue with shorter sessions during Lent.
Men of Hosanna Annual Catered Bar-B-Q Dinner
Monday, February 26 @ 6:30 PM Hosanna Fellowship Hall (north side), followed by assembly of Care Packages for our college/university youth, those in the military, Peace Corps and graduating high school seniors.
Cost: $8.50 in advance. Sign up in the north Narthex. Bring a friend or neighbor.
Contributions are still needed to fund this project. Place cash or check (made out to "Men of Hosanna") in envelope addressed to Bob McConnell.
Normally I don't add attachments to this email, but I've added a flier for the Annual Craft Fair to this Cyberline. Print some copies to hand out to neighbors or coworkers, or place one on a community bulletin board or a local fast food place.
Those are the highlights. Check out the weekly news and the Hosanna Blog on the Hosanna web site for more: http://www.welcometohosanna.com
HOSANNA IS... Jeff Hartmann and I will be asking for your thoughts on what Hosanna means to you, what we do best as a community, what brings you here every week, what brought you here in the first place, etc. Jeff will be recording pieces for a DVD; I need your responses for a mailer I'm putting together. IF YOU WANT TO EMAIL YOUR RESPONSES, PLEASE DO. I'M REALLY INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY. Thanks in advance for your participation.
Here's some political humor:
An old prayer for politicians: "Teach us, O Lord, to utter words that are tender and gentle, for tomorrow we may have to eat them."
"Congressmen and fellows like me are alike in some ways, I guess. But when I make a joke, it's a joke. When they make a joke, it becomes law."
Lastly, a poem:
There is no power
So gross and perverse
That someone in power
Cannot make worse.
God's peace to everyone,
Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications
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