Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hosanna Cyberfline - April 13, 2007

A good Friday the 13th to all the Hosanna family,

The online version of "This Week at Hosanna":

April Hotline:

First, 3 important items for this coming Sunday:

Congregation Meeting following 11 AM worship.
It is a potluck and few have signed up to bring food items. Please, bring a favorite dish to share.

Major items on the agenda:

Summer Worship Schedule (One service? Two? Sunday School/Adult Ed. before, after or between?)
Sabbatical Team Report
National Church Development Report

Also this Sunday: Mission of the Month Collection

We will be collecting your spare change for the April Mission of the Month: Heifer Project. $290 was raised in March for the Lutherhill Ministries Fund.

A third item for this Sunday:

Last change to get tickets for the Hosanna Women of the ELCA Annual Spring Fling, Saturday, April 21, 9-11 AM. A business meeting will be followed by story teller Kathy Culmer, then prepared by the men of Hosanna.$7 per ticket.. Contact Alysha Reed @713-466-7860.

Items for the remainder of the week ahead:

This coming Monday, April 16, is the deadline for submitting articles for the May Hotline. Please email them to me:

Natural Church Development Survey is this coming Wednesday, April 18 @7PM
At the April 1 NCD meeting 60 people were identified as meeting the criteria set forth for participation in the survey guidelines. From this group 30 people will be randomly selected to take the survey this Wednesday, April 18. Pastor Rob Moore, Assistant to the Bishop, will present the survey. Results will be tabulated giving the congregation an good overview of its strengths and weaknesses.

One item that was received after the weekly news was printed: A request from Paul Hancock...

In loving memory of Baby Woody Hancock, 4/12/05—4/19/05

Also just received word from Ann Doberfuhl's mother, Kathleen White, suffered a heart attack Thursday night.

Include these and everyone else listed in This Week at Hosanna and on the prayer chain in your prayers.

Family Life Update From Amber Walker, Family Life Minister

Jr. Day at TLU. Leave at 7 AM on April 21 and get back at noon on Sunday, $25 cost.
Remember: Our trip is coming up soon. Final costs will be available after Mother's Day, May 13.
VBS: This year VBS will be in the evening, the week of June 11-15, beginning with dinner served at 5:30 PM. To be involved please contact Amber Walker or Susan Greer. We will also have a table set up for donations for crafts and games. Please pick up a list of items needed.

Thrivent Builds!

Join CREW on May 5 to help Habitat for Humanity. Contact Amber to reserve a spot and order your T-shirt for $5.

Annual Hosanna Garage Sale
Saturday, May 5, 8 AM-4:30 PM
Fellowship Hall and Narthex
Sign up to help set up, on the day of the sale, and clean up afterward. See the green welcome insert in Sunday's bulletin.

May Seniors Trip

The May Seniors Trip will be a guided Folk Art Tour of Houston. Keith Rosen, a researcher and historian who has led tours of Houston since 1985, will lead us. Places we will see include: Flower Man House, Project Row Houses, Art Car Studio Beer Can House, David Adiche’s Sculpturewax Studio, Orange Show, Tiffany Glass & Sculptures in Forest Lawn. Date is May 8, leaving @ 8:15 AM. Cost: $14 per person, depending on size of the group. Lunch (not included in the cost) is at a downtown church catered by Treebeards.

Last chance to sign up for:

Second Annual Fashion Show Benefiting Breast Cancer Research
Sunday, April 22 - 2-4 PM at St. Timothy Lutheran, 14225 Hargrave Road
Featuring CAbi Spring Fashions
Tickets: $10 per person Or reserve whole table: $80
Refreshments served.
Guest Speaker Barbara Fowler
Chair of the Advisory Council for Susan G. Komen For the Cure Foundation
Information? 281-469-2457
If you can't attend, donations are welcome.

A note from Gay Zimmerman: The Hosanna Choir will be performing a gospel mass at both the 8 and 11 AM worship services. This would be a good opportunity to invite someone, a friend or neighbor.

A Little Humor

There is the story of a pastor who got up one Sunday and announced to his congregation: "I have good news and bad news. The good news is, we have enough money to pay for our new building program. The bad news is, it's still out there in your pockets."
Hand printed sign on the back of an Amish carriage... "Energy efficient vehicle: Runs on oats and grass. Caution: Do not step on the exhaust."
A Sunday School teacher began her lesson with a question, "Boys and girls, what do we know about God?" A hand shot up in the air. "He is an artist!" said the kindergarten boy. "Really? How do you know?" the teacher asked. "You know - Our Father, who does art in Heaven... "
It's Friday the 13th with so much to dread. Some people ignore it and just stay in bed.

But no matter how much it seems like an unlucky time, It isn't any fun to sit home and whine. Happy Friday the 13th!
Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications


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