Hosanna Cyberfline - July 26, 2007
Here is the link to This Week at Hosanna: http://www.welcometohosanna.com/weekly_news.pdf
Here is the link to the August Hotline:
Worship service times in July and August: 8:15 and 10:30 AM, with Sunday school and Adult Education @ 9:30 AM. Again, thanks to all those who provide treats between services.
Nita Auer has asked that students heading for college furnish the church office with their mailing addresses and contact information. Please give us your name, college/university/other, address, phone (cell or other) and email.
Click here to email this info to Nita, or use the form included in “This Week at Hosanna.”
Book Discussion
The Hosanna Book Discussion is open to everyone who enjoys reading and discussing what they have read. The next selection will be When the Lion Roars, by DiAnn Mills.
“An American female doctor, an Arab Christian man and an officer of the Sudanese people's Liberation Army must work together to find and liberate a young American girl who's been abducted into slavery by Northern Sudanese. These unlikely partners face the reality of a nation in turmoil, and the rampant hostility that exists between Christians and Muslims. When the Lion Roars addresses issues of prejudice, and the injustices inflicted upon Southern Sudanese citizens by those of the North Country . Redemptive resolutions reveal the heart of God toward all people. This exciting adventure also will educate readers about a current international situation right out of today's headlines.”
The Book Discussion will meet at Hosanna Saturday, September 8, at 6 PM. Those who wish can continue the discussion at a local restaurant following the meeting at church. Note: Ms. Mills will be present at the discussion: The following message was passed on to me by Nancy Agafitei from the book’s author:
I'd be honored to be a guest at your book club on Saturday, September 8th at 6:00. I will be at the Champions Barnes and Noble earlier that afternoon to sign the sequel to When the Lion Roars. That novel is entitled When the Nile Runs Red. The proceeds of that novel, as well as the one you are discussing and Lost Boy No More goes back to aid the Sudanese.
If you think any of your members would be interested in the sequel, I can bring When the Nile Runs Red. This novel was written after a November 2006 trip to Sudan .
Thank you for the invitation,
DiAnn Mills
Also, save this date: Saturday, October 13, will be the next book discussion. Hosanna Book Discussion co-founder, Sean Kottke, will be visiting from Michigan. The title will be announced later.
EverBlest Choir Concert at Hosanna, Thursday, August 2
The EverBlest Choir, a youth ministry from Cambridge Lutheran Church, Cambridge, Minnesota, is coming to Hosanna for a concert, Thursday, August 2,@ 7 PM. See the poster in the hallway.
The grandmother of one of the choir members is providing an evening meal for the group members (25 students + 4 adult chaperones). Hosanna members have been asked to bring desserts; also a few people are needed to help set up for and serve the meal. Please let the church office know if you can help. We will also need goodies after the concert.
Synod Mission Endowment Fund Challenges Congregations to raise $170,000 by August 31. This will raise the total to $1,000,000 by the time Synod Bishop Paul Blom leaves office.
The Mission Endowment Fund:
Provides seminary scholarships
Supports campus ministry
Supports new missions and ministries
Supports new congregations
Supports young Lutheran congregations and ministries
Make checks payable to Hosanna and mark them “Synod Mission Endowment Fund.” Thanks for your support.
Anyone interested in a week-night study group?
By request… Monday, August 20, a small group will gather to study the Bible and other subjects of interest. We will begin with a discussion on the life of Martin Luther (about 4 weeks). Other topics may include: the Life of Jesus, Paul’s missionary journeys, the cities of Revelation. More details (time and place) later. Send Dale Bargmann an email if you would like to join us. Right now 4 people have expressed interest.
Hello from Rock Point Arizona...
Amber and CREW posted several articles with photos on the Hosanna Blog during their mission trip to the Navajo reservation in Arizona, Click here to read about their rewarding experience: http://welcometohosanna.blogspot.com/
(or click HOSANNA BLOG on the home page).
Some repeat announcements from last week:
From the Finance Team
“Based on 1) projected 2007 third quarter income; 2) adjusted expenditures which recognize the change in our pastoral situation; and 3) our cash balance position going into the quarter, we will only be able to fund a portion of the high priority items that were established at the council meeting.”
The list shows the following high priority items which “will not be funded at this time, and thus no commitments or expenditures should be incurred for these items.”
$ 600 Faith Chests, Milestone ministries
$ 150 Altar Guild expenses
$ 477 Office supplies
$ 410 Postage
$ 7,200 Benevolence (includes one month in arrears)
$ 120 Cleaning supplies
$ 1,050 Lawn maintenance (mowing)
What can you do about it?
1) Keep your commitments to our work current, in spite of the summer “slump.”
2) Consider paying ahead on your commitments if possible. One of our members has already made such a contribution, or we would be in an even more difficult position.
3) If you are so called, you can make a designated special contribution to cover all or part of any of these areas.
4) Pray for the ministry done at Hosanna, and for guidance for the Council who must make difficult financial choices.
You can contribute online to the work of Hosanna at:
Have you ever noticed something that someone has done around Hosanna and you would like to have them recognized for what they have done? Now you have a way. The Lay Leadership Team is starting something new to help recognize the great leaders we have at Hosanna. It is the “Servant of the Month” award. All you have to do is fill out the Servant of the Month Nomination Form and return it to the Lay Leadership Team Folder in the Workroom or give it to Chad Greer. The Nomination Forms can be found online at:
Or, just click the FormsDocuments link on the home page; also look in the folder labeled “Servant of the Month Nomination Form” in the FORMS SECTION of the Workroom. If you have any questions about this new way to recognize one of our GREAT VOLUNTEERS, please feel free to contact Chad Greer, Lay Leadership Team Leader.
Yard Teams…
The lawn at Hosanna has to be mowed once a week from April to December, and twice a month from January to March, in order to keep our grounds well-maintained (a total of 46 mowings per year). As you know, the majority of our very faithful mowers at Hosanna reached a “certain age” and asked to be replaced. When younger volunteers did not step forward to help, the decision had to be made to hire a commercial mowing service for the first time. Currently, this service costs $150 per mow, plus $15 extra to cover extra gasoline costs. The remaining Hosanna mowers have been consolidated into fewer teams that mow once every eight weeks. Even with this reduced workload, Hosanna mowers are still in short supply. Costs will increase if we have to turn every mowing over to commercial mowers. Needless to say, commercial care represents a significant increase in the maintenance expenses at Hosanna.
In addition to this, the Property Team has reported that we also cannot get volunteers to tend the barked beds. The commercial service charges an extra $50 once a month (or $600/year) to take care of the beds.
We now face some difficult decisions. To save at least some money, the Property Team has recommended removing some of the trees and other plants in the barked beds and replacing them with grass that can more simply be mowed within the current mowing fees. They have red-flagged the plants that they suggest be removed. Before this work is done, I ask you to walk around the perimeter of the church and review what is suggested and give me your feedback.
We can preserve some of these plants, but only if the congregation steps forward with 1) volunteer time and sweat, and/or 2) contributions to support the designated mowing and weeding fund. It simply is not acceptable to let our grounds be poorly maintained. We must be good stewards of our property, and understand the message that the appearance of our church gives to visitors
Nancy Agafitei , Stewardship Team Leader
Email Robert Dejmal to have your name added to one of the four Yard Teams.
Nancy Agafitei, Stewardship Team Leader
Finally, a note about the “information” survey included in This Week at Hosanna the past two weeks: It was never my intention to eliminate any of the pieces of information sent out from Hosanna. It was simply a way to find out what types of information should be included in each publication. I will continue to keep everyone informed by whatever means possible, be it printed or electronic. The Hotline will be sent every month. This Week at Hosanna will be available to everyone attending worship and online, this Cyberline will be sent out every Friday (and posted to the Blog) and will be the primary means of sending emergency notification. Those who need to be notified by phone, because of not having internet access, will be called. The office needs to know who they are (there aren’t many; right now we have 4 people on the list). Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications
A Little Humor
"There will be a meeting of the Board immediately after the service," announced the pastor. After the close of the service, a group gathered at the back of the auditorium for the announced meeting, including a visitor who had never attended their church before. "My friend," asked the pastor, did you understand that this is a meeting of the Board?" "Yes," said thevisitor, "and after that sermon, I'm about as bored as you can get!"
A preacher phoned the city's newspaper: "Thank you very much," said he, "for the error you made when you announced my sermon topic for last Sunday. The topic I sent you was 'What Jesus saw in a Publican.' You printed it as 'What Jesus Saw in a Republican' I had the biggest crowd of the year!"
The chairman of the pastor search committee informed the congregation: "Next Sunday our visiting preacher will be the Rev. Bill Oaks. If you would like to see the other preachers, you will find them hanging in the vestibule."
Continue to keep Hosanna in your prayers during this time decision.
Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Communications