Friday, July 06, 2007

Hosanna Cyberfline - July 6, 2007

Here is the link to the weekly news for July 8:

Here is the link to the July Hotline:

First, Hosanna’s wheelchair has been located and it has been returned. Thank you.

Worship service times in July and August: 8:15 and 10:30 AM, with Sunday school and Adult Education @ 9:30 AM. Thanks to all those who have provided treats between services. Maybe this is the start of a new tradition at Hosanna?

IHN coordinator Nickie Brooks expresses her thanks to all those who provided food, served as hosts, set up beds, drive and prepared meals during Hosanna’s IHN week. Next rotation: September 16-23.

Jay Beech leads us in worship at both services this Sunday

Gifted song writer and performer Jay Beech is one of the most heralded artists in the Church. Jay serves as Director of Music at Trinity Lutheran in Moorhead, MN and has performed and led worship all over the country. The author of The Church Song (We Are the Church), his hymns can be found in Worship and Praise and With One Voice and are sung at bible camps and in congregations throughout the United States.

Seniors (50+) Outing: Imperial Rome and IMAX This Wednesday, July 11. The District 4 bus leaves Hosanna at 8;15 AM. There is no 10 AM Bible study that day.
Pastor Bill was invited to join the group, but he stated that he will be in the office.

I have to admit to a couple errors in the July Hotline. In the list of staff on the back page I used the term “interim” for Pastor Schwertlich. It should have been “supply pastor.” I wasn’t aware of the difference until the meeting with Bishop Blom and the Hotline was printed and prepared for mailing prior to the meeting with the Bishop. Here is a link to the Interim pastor info page on the Synod web site:

The second goof was the Mission of the Month. It should have been NAM’s Back to School drive, not Lutheran Social Services. LSS is in August. Both need our support, though. NAM is far short of its goal of raising enough money to purchase school supplies for the disadvantaged. Save all your spare change and anything else you wish to donate to this cause. More details from the NAM web site:
NAM Back to school drive
Youngsters whose clothes don't fit and who don't have pencils or paper have difficult time learning. Your contributions help Northwest Assistance Ministries (NAM) provide basic school supplies and clothing to children in need. With your help young people start the school year feeling good about themselves and ready to learn. Their success in school now helps them be successful later in life. Cash donations enable NAM to buy items pre-packaged by grade level, in bulk and at a discount so your donations help more children.
► NAM wants to provide school supplies for more than 2000 children. They need $65.000 and have raised only $7,000 so far.
► $20 provides school supplies for one child.
► A $35 gift supplies clothing and shoes.
► $55 provides supplies, clothing and shoes.
► 55% of Spring, 30% of Klein and 32% of Cy-Fair, and 78% of Aldine ISD children are economically disadvantaged.
Donate online or call NAM: 281-885-4605.
Here’s the link to the NAM website:

Beth Chaney, head of the Altar Guild, is still seeking volunteers to prepare communion for Sunday worship.

A Little Humor:

Abraham announced to Isaac one day that he had decided to upgrade their family computer to Windows Vista.

Isaac said, "But father, we don't have enough memory!" To which Abraham replied, "Don't worry, my son, the Lord will provide the RAM."

The Athiest and the Loch Ness Monster

An atheist was spending a quiet day fishing when suddenly his boat was attacked by the Loch Ness monster. In one easy flip, the beast tossed him and his boat high into the air then opened its mouth to swallow both. As the man sailed head over heels, he cried out, "Oh, my God! Help me!"

The ferocious attack scene froze in place and, as the atheist hung in mid-air, a booming voice came down from the clouds.

"I thought you didn't believe in Me!"

"Come on God, give me a break!" the man pleaded. "Two minutes ago I didn't believe in the Loch Ness monster either!"

The Atheist continued, "God, please let the Loch Ness Monster become religious."

God replied, "So be it."

The scene starts up, with the atheist falling.

The Loch Ness Monster folds his claws together and says, "Lord, bless this food you have so graciously provided..."

Pray for all those who are ailing; rejoice for those who celebrate birthdays and anniversaries. Until next week…

Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Communications


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