Hosanna Cyberfline - October 26, 2007
God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be moved, and though the mountains shake in the depths of the sea. (From Ps. 46)
A good Friday afternoon/evening to everyone:
Here is the link to This Week at Hosanna for October 28: http://www.welcometohosanna.com/weekly_news.pdf
Here is the link to the new November Hotline: http://www.welcometohosanna.com/monthly_news.pdf
This Saturday, October 27, is the Annual FAMILY FALL FESTIVAL. Be the first to use the new playground area (being installed as we speak). It all starts @ 4:30 PM. Enjoy games, hayride, costume parade, roasted hot dogs and Chappel Hill sausage, and trick or trunk.
This Sunday, October 28 is Reformation Sunday. Please wear RED and join the kids and Hosanna Brass to celebrate this special day of remembering the work of Martin Luther who, 490 years ago, nailed his 95 Theses (points of debate) to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. Our special guest for the Children’s Sermon is none other than Martin himself.
FROM THE CALL COMMITTEE… EACH VOTING MEMBER OF HOSANNA… Please fill out the “Congregation Survey” included with this week’s bulletin. The form is also online http://www.welcometohosanna.com. Click the “Call Process Page” link on the Home Page. Place completed forms in the wooden box on the table by the Sanctuary entrance, or mail them to Hosanna (16526 Ella Blvd., Houston, TX 77090). Deadline for submitting completed survey forms is Sunday, November 4.
- CREW: Lutheran Youth talk on Sexuality, this Sunday, October 28. Contact Amber if you have questions.
- Confirmation Pizza and Movie night is Friday, November 2 @ 7 PM at the home of Warren and Theresa White.
- Would you like to give a Children’s Talk at Sunday morning worship? See Amber to schedule a date, also for resources.
- Seafarers’ Gift Boxes - The Men of Hosanna are holding a 30-day fund-raiser to help raise money to pack 100 Christmas gift boxes for the Seafarers’ Center. It takes about $26 dollars to cover the cost of items in each shoe box. WE HAVE BEEN APPROVED FOR UP TO $1400 IN CASH ASSISTANCE FUNDS FROM THRIVENT FINANCIAL. $1200 is needed from Hosanna members. Make checks payable to Men of Hosanna and place it or your cash donation in an envelope and give it to Bob McConnell. Empty shoe boxes are needed. Give them to Bob or leave them on the floor next to the food pantry. CREW will pack the Christmas care boxes Sunday , December 9 @ 6 PM; Confirmation class will wrap them in Christmas paper Wednesday, December 19 @ 7 PM.
- Status of the Commercial Mowing Fund (CMF) - Contributions are needed to pay the December and First Quarter 2008 bills from Tony’s grounds maintenance. Please remember the CMF in your extra regular and lump sum contributions through the end of the year.
- Coffee servers (8 am set up; 11am clean up) are needed for Sunday Morning to replace families that have recently moved. Contact Gay Zimmerman at the Hosanna Office.
- Texas Thanksgiving, a 25-year Hosanna tradition. Saturday, November 10 @ 6-9 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Not your usual celebration with turkey, stuffing, whipped potatoes and gravy, but lots of home-made chili and pie, followed by rounds of Bunco. Cost: $5 per person. Sign up to bring chili or pie. Adults only. Questions? Call Nerisa McConnell (281-440-5432) or Sue King (281-353-1242).
- 6th Annual Veteran’s Day Service - Sponsored jointly by Hosanna, Kinsmen and Lord of Life This year’s service is at Lord of Life Lutheran Church, 3801 S. Panther Creek Dr., The Woodlands, Sunday, November 11 @ 2 PM
- Seniors to Santa’s Wonderland - It starts with a dinner buffet, then a hayride through the outdoor lights and displays at Santa’s Wonderland near College Station. After the hayride, tour the Texas-style Christmas village featuring artisans, live shows, musical entertainment, holiday foods and shopping for unique gifts. Watch classic Christmas movies on a giant outdoor screen and enjoy a cozy outdoor fireplace. Friday, November 16 (be at Hosanna by 3 PM); bus leaves @ 3:15 PM and returns to Hosanna around 9:30 PM. Cost: $23 per person.
- Advent Workshop - Sunday, November 18 @ 6 PM, in the Fellowship Hall. Crafts, food, music and devotions. Cost: $15 per family and a plate of cookies. Sign up in the Narthex. Invite your friends and neighbors.
- Growing to Serve Beyond Hosanna - You are cordially invited to an Open House, Sunday November 18, 2-4 PM at Ron and Heda Christ’s house, 703 Romaine Lane. Come see what’s being done through Hosanna’s African Initiative, now in its second year of service, providing scholarships for needy High School students. Learn of the work of the Community Based Rehabilitation of the Margwanza Hospital, Tanzania, Africa. Appetizers and drinks. RSVP 281-440-7321.
- Save Lids to Save Lives! - Hosanna Women of the ELCA (WELCA) is collecting Yoplait lids to help in the fight against breast cancer. Lids must be pink in color, come from the 4 or 6 oz. yogurt containers and have an expiration date of 2007. Be sure to wash the lids and place them in the kitchen under the phone. Deadline is December 16. Questions? Contact Judy Kresge-Finger.
- Used Greeting Card Collection - WELCA also is collecting used greeting cards for Leeza's Place, a non-profit organization in Melbourne, Florida, which provides services for patients with Alzheimer's and their care givers. The cards are recycled and made into new cards for a Christmas Bazaar. Deadline for collecting the cards is November 25. Place cards in the kitchen, under the phone. Questions? Contact Judy Kresge.
- Lutheran Volunteer BLITZ Gulf Coast and New Orleans Area November/December 2007 - Come, be a part of the healing of hearts, homes and communities! For information and to volunteer, contact: http://www.futurehope.orghttp://www.lcmsrelief.org, http://www.ldr.org.
- Annual Fall Goodtime Show - Features the Statesmen Chorus (which rehearses at Hosanna). Christ the Good Shepherd Church, 18522 Klein Church Road, November 3, @ 6:30 PM. Adults: $20; Pre-teens: $10. Seating is at tables of 12. For a good seat, call Richard Dove 281-370-8287 or email rdove007@sbcglobal.net or call the ticket office at 281-583-1278. Richard is holding good seats at the front center table. First come first served.
- St. Olaf Christmas Festival Simulcast - For the first time in its 96-year history, the St. Olaf Christmas Festival will be simulcast live to over 150 theaters nationwide from Skoglund Center Auditorium on the St. Olaf campus. Date: December 2. See http://www.stolaf.edu/christmasfest for tickets and event details.
- Hosanna Book Discussion, Saturday, December 15 @ 6 PM in the Conference Room - The next selection will be the medical thriller Crisis, by Robin Cook.
- Sunday Adult Education @ 9:30 AM features Luther: Gospel, Law and Reformation by Professor Phillip Cary. This 24-week course is led by Pastor Paul Frerking.
- Wednesday Morning Bible Study @ 10 AM - This weekly study, led by Pastor Bill, focuses on the lessons for the following Sunday. There’s always hot coffee and treats. Afterward the fellowship continues with an inexpensive (and optional) lunch at a nearby restaurant.
- Monday nights @ 7 PM, weekly, study group continues at the Bargmann residence: 16523 Brightling Lane, in Ella Crossing, just south of Hosanna (less than 5 minutes away).
- Prayer Group meets every Wednesday @ 5:30-6 PM in the Library to pray for the men and women in leadership roles who face decisions that affect the Hosanna church family.
A Little Humor... Some quotes from Martin Luther:
- "A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety."
- "We learn the inner secret of happiness when we learn to direct our inner drives, our interest and our attention to something outside ourselves."
- "There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you."
- "If you're not allowed to laugh in heaven, I don't want to go there."
- "Now the church is not wood and stone, but the company of people who believe in Christ."
Dale Bargmann
Parish Communications
Hosanna Lutheran Church, Houston, TX