Friday, June 27, 2008

Hosanna Cyberfline - June 29, 2008

" I will sing of the LORD's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. " (Psalm 89)

First, some announcements for the week of June 29...
  • CONTINUE to wear your blue name tags every Sunday to help everyone feel at home.
  • The Prayer Shawl Group requests donations of yarn (anything you have, full or partial skeins). Or, stop by a craft store and pick up a few skeins of a favorite color for this important ministry.
  • Hosanna Constitutionnewly revised—is now available at See the “Forms, Documents, Policies” link in the right column of the home page.
  • Calendar glitches on the Hosanna website... It was brought to our attention (by Nancy Agafitei) that error messages have been appearing when using the Calendar (from on Hosanna’s website. The church office received an email from Communications Resources stating they were victims of malicious attacks and were working to stabilize the site.
  • New picture directory coming. The Care Team urges everyone to schedule photo session appointments online. Here is the link: Available dates are July 22-27; 30 & 31. Everyone receives a free 8x10 family portrait.

This Sunday, June 29...

  • Worship Mentor Gathering @ 9:30 AM—meet with Cantor Gay in the conference room.
  • Summer Sunday School—this Sunday @ 9:30 AM with Amber (Classroom 6/Sunday School Opening Room).
  • Sunday school for 2-3 year-olds resumes after a week off.
  • CREW (High School age)—Bill King completes his "History of Rock and Roll." (Senior High Room/Classroom 11)
  • Adult Education continues its discussion of "Reclaiming the L Word." This is a timely study with a lively group and some interesting discussion. There's always a place for you in this and any class

Family Life News from Amber Walker...

  • Sunday school in July will offer the Share Save Spend curriculum to the youth and any adult members who wish to attend. This is designed to be an intergenerational class. Parents are encouraged to attend with their child. Amber will be the teacher.
  • Staffed Nursery available every Sunday morning—All children 5 and under are welcome.
  • Former CREW member Christine Carter is returning to the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Arizona this summer. She is going with a group of college students to deliver hygiene and school supplies and running a week-long sports camp. She will be speaking at all services about this mission trip and asks for your support. Place donations in the offering plate.
  • Thanks to Jennifer Jackowski for accepting the role of co-superintendent for Sunday school. Please let her know if you are interested in teaching in the fall. Teachers for the upper grade levels are especially needed.\

Other Items...

  • Next Book Discussion... Title of book: "Consumption, A Novel of the Arctic" by Kevin Patterson. Date, time and place: Saturday August 16, 6–8 PM in Classroom 9/Confirmation Room, at the west end of the building. (Note change of location because of summer AC needs.)
    Synopsis: "In Rankin Inlet, a small town bordering the Arctic Ocean , the lives of the Inuit are gradually changing. In this novel, the reader enters into the modern contradictions of the Arctic - walrus meat and convenience food, midnight sun and 24-hour satellite TV, dog teams and diamond mines - and into the heart of Victoria Robertson. Born on the tundra in the 1950s, Victoria knows nothing but the nomadic life of the Inuit until, at the age of ten, she is diagnosed with tuberculosis and evacuated to a southern sanitarium. When she returns home six years later, she finds a radically different world, where the traditionally rootless tribes have uneasily congregated in small communities. Victoria has become a stranger to her family and her culture. Through Victoria , Kevin Patterson exposes the costs and consequences of cultural assimilation, and the emotional toll that significant lifestyle changes take on communities."
  • At the June 8th Congregational Meeting, Servant Awards were presented to the following: Beth Chaney - Choir, Chair of the Call Committee, all areas of Worship & Music and more.
    Heda Christ - President of the Women of the ELCA, children's activities through the Discipleship Team, organized the recent women's retreat, coordinates the fair-trade coffee sales and more.
    Jeff Hartmann - Brass team, President of the Congregation for the past 2 years (one without a pastor) and more.
    Gary Johnson - Leading the contemporary worship service through picking/choosing music for every Sunday and making the service flow with the help of the Holy Spirit for the past several years.
    Congratulations to these people for all they do for Hosanna. If there is someone that you would like to nominate for a Servant Award, forms are in the workroom. If you have any questions please contact any member of the Lay Leadership Team: Chad Greer (Chairman), Dolores Jaramillo, Katie Johnson, Earl Kemper, Marlo Peterson, Tripp Smith and Jean Waldo.
  • Link to This Week at Hosanna for June 29:
  • Link to July/August Hotline:
    Your weekly reading is John 3: (Jesus teaches Nicodemus and John the Baptizer's testamony about Jesus.)

A little humor...

During his children's talk a pastor was talking to a group of kids and, to illustrate a point, he asked, 'Does anybody know what's small, furry, has a bushy tail, and runs up trees looking for nuts?'

All the kids were silent.

Finally, one little boy said, "Well, I know the answer is Jesus, but it sure sounds like a squirrel to me!"

Dale Bargmann, Parish Communications, Hosanna Lutheran Church, Houton, Texas

Friday, June 20, 2008

Hosanna Cyberfline - June 20, 2008

"But I pray to you, O LORD, in the time of your favor; in your great love, O God, answer me with your sure salvation." (Psalm 69)

Some quick announcements:

CONTINUE to wear your blue name tags every Sunday to help everyone feel at home.

The Texas District Lutheran Women Missionary League (LWML) is expecting 1,000 women at their convention next week! It is being held at the Westchase Marriott (previously the Adams Mark), at 2900 Briarpark Drive (just east of the West Sam Houston Tollway off Westheimer).

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans provided a grant to give each attendee a wonderful tote bag. There will be a Thrivent display with a 10 ft. x10 ft. model of a Habitat house at the convention. Volunteers are needed to staff the display table during the convention. Are there any Thrivent Builds Champions or volunteers out there who might be interested in staffing the display booth for two to four hours at any of the following times? If you can help, please contact Cindy Lappe: Office: 713-463-5113 - Email:

Times volunteers are needed: Thursday, June 26 - Noon to 5 pm; Friday June 27 - 8 am to Noon and Noon to 5 pm; Saturday, June 28 - 8 am to Noon and Noon to 5 pm (or earlier, when it closes).

This Sunday, June 22...
  • Blessing of Confirmands travelling to Confirmation Camp at Lutherhill @ 10:45 AM worship.
  • Beginning of Confirmation Camp at Lutherhill (through June 27). Please keep Anna Brown, Claire Tyrrell, Brooke Hales, Regan Gunhouse, Jordan Chaney and Sarah Martinez in your prayers as they travel to LaGrange for a week of fun and growing in faith and discipleship. Send letters to them at: P.O. Box 99 La Grange, TX 78945. You can also write Molly Waldo, Laura Greer and Marquette Henderson, who are working at Lutherhill.
  • Group Sunday school (through the end of June) for children ages 4 and up.
  • No Sunday school for 2-3 year-olds this Sunday. They may join the group class.
  • CREW (High School age)—Bill King continues his "History of Rock and Roll." (Senior High Room/Classroom 11)
  • Adult Education continues its discussion of "Reclaiming the L Word." This is a timely study with a lively group and some interesting discussion. There's always room for more in this and other any class.

The Week Ahead...

  • June 26-28—Texas District Lutheran Women Missionary League (LWML) Convention. =
  • Saturday, June 28—Book Discussion @6–8 PM in Classroom 9 (Confirmation Room). Title to be discussed: "Little Heathens" by Mildred Armstrong Kalish. This gathering is for everyone who loves to read and to talk about what they have read. If you haven't read the book, come anyway and get the title for next month's discussion. Those who wish can go out to dinner at a local restaurant following the discussion.

Future items..

  • July 29—Mentoring Sunday.
  • New Photo Directory Coming... Have you met someone and said I wish I had their phone number or address. Well it’s directory time again. It’s been several years since we have had a new directory and members of the Care Team have volunteered to take on this project. To schedule a photo session, go to Dates are open July 22-27 and 30-31. No computer access? Stop by the church office and a staff member will help you. We hope to have the new directory ready for distribution in early September.

Family Life News from Amber Walker...

  • Thanks to Jan Dietzman and Caty Oden for teaching Sunday School last Sunday. Please come to the Opening Room (Classroom 6) for group Sunday school.
  • A big thank you to all our VBS volunteers. Take a moment to look at the pictures in the narthex or visit our website for the complete PowerPoint photo show.
  • Our confirmation campers leave this Sunday for Lutherhill. We will be blessing them at the 10:45 service.
  • If you have not RSVP'd Amber for the CREW trip please do so by this Sunday. We are going to Canyon Lake July 22-24.
  • Thank you to Jennifer Jackowski for accepting the role of co-superintendent for Sunday school. Please let her know if you are interested in teaching in the fall.

Other Items...

A little humor...

THE SNEEZE... A true story that happened at the University of Maryland, passed on to me by Dottie Kemper

They walked in tandem, each of the ninety-two students filing into the already crowded auditorium.

With their rich maroon gowns flowing … and the traditional caps, they looked almost … as grown up as they felt. Dads swallowed hard behind broad smiles, and Moms freely brushed away tears.

This class would NOT pray during the commencements, not by choice, but because of a recent court ruling prohibiting it. The principal and several students were careful to stay within the guide lines allowed by the ruling. They gave inspirational and challenging speeches, but no one mentioned divine guidance and no one asked for blessings on the graduates or their fam ilies.

The speeches were nice, but they were routine ... until the final speech received a standing ovation.

A solitary student walked proudly to the microphone. He stood still and silent for just a moment, and then, it happened.

All 92 students, every single one of them, suddenly SNEEZED!!!!

The student on stage... simply looked at the audience and said, “GOD BLESS YOU, each and everyone of you!” And he walked off stage...

The audience exploded into applause. This graduating class had found a unique way to invoke God's blessing on their future with or without the court's approval.

Dale Bargmann, Parish Communications, Hosanna Lutheran Church, Houston, Texas

Friday, June 13, 2008

Hosanna Cyberfline - June 13, 2008

Above, Hosanna staff greets Pastor John Boldt as he arrives for his first day in the office, Wednesday, June 11. The logo on the t-shirts reads: "The Nutz and Boldt."

"Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." (Matthew 9:35-38)

The day has arrived. This Sunday, June 15, Pastor John Boldt leads worship for the first time as Hosanna's pastor.

Everyone... please wear your blue name tags every Sunday to help Pastor Boldt and any new people feel at home.

This Sunday is also Mission of the Month Sunday. Your "noisy offering" goes to ELCA World Hunger Appeal for God’s global barnyard, providing training, access to safe water sources, help securing markets, and much more. Our offerings help purchase goats and other animals, providing families with food, funds and fertilizer, breaking the cycle of hunger and poverty in places like Kenya, Africa. This Sunday, dig into your pockets and purses and deposit your loose change into the buckets the ushers will pass during the offering. Let's fill God’s global barnyard with all sorts of animals!

Don't forget that a staffed nursery is available every Sunday morning during all worship services. The Hosanna Nursery attendant is Biserka Tsenkova (She likes to be called “Bisi”). All children 5 and under are welcome.

This Sunday, June 15—
  • Pastor John Boldt preaches and presides!

  • Reception for Boldt family @ 9-11 AM

  • Father's Day

  • Mission of the Month Noisy Offering

  • Start of IHN Week at Hosanna. Set up following 10:45 AM worship... You are invited to hang around to lend a hand.

  • Deadline for submitting articles for a combined July/August Hotline (Need both months due to my vacation schedule.) I am requesting that those planning the Senior's Outings, Book Discussion, Hosanna Women of the ELCA, church council and any other activities submit their information for this combined issue. Georgia, Garrett and I will be vacationing in Colorado July 14-29 and I want to get this issue completed before we leave. Thank you, Dale Bargmann

Thursday, June 19—Prayer Shawl Group @ 1 PM

Next Sunday, June 22—

  • Blessing of Confirmands traveling to Confirmation Camp at Lutherhill @ 10:45 AM worship.
  • Beginning of Confirmation Camp at Lutherhill (through June 27)

Looking Ahead

  • June 28—Book Discussion @ @ 6–8 PM in the Confirmation Room (note change of location because of summer AC needs) Title to be discussed: "Little Heathens" by Mildred Armstrong Kalish. This is Mildred Kalish's story of growing up on her grandparent's Iowa farm during the depths of the Great Depression. This, however, is not a tale of suffering but the story of a childhood that "built character, fed the intellect, and stirred the imagination." Filled with remarkable stories, and brimming with recipes and how-tos, this book portrays a world of hard work tempered by simple rewards. and shows how the right stuff can make even the bleakest of times seem like "quite a romp." This gathering is for everyone who loves to read and to talk about what they have read. Those who wish can go out to dinner at a local restaurant following the discussion.

  • June 29-July 3—Disciple Project at Texas Lutheran University, a week long event for high school-age students and adults. For more information visit

  • July 29—Mentoring Sunday.

  • June 30—Deadline for submitting T-shirt designs for Fall Congregation Picnic. The theme is "A Time for Action 08.” The winner will get a $25 gift card to AMC or Santikos Theaters (winner's choice). Submit your design to The Care Team.

Other Items...

A little humor...

Some actual children's science exam answers

Q: Name the four seasons. A: Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar.

Q: Explain one of the processes by which water can be made safe to drink. A: Flirtation makes water safe to drink because it removes large pollutants like grit, sand, dead sheep and canoeists.

Q: How is dew formed? A: The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire

Q: How can you delay milk turning sour? A: Keep it in the cow

Q.: What causes the tides in the oceans? A: The tides are a fight between the Earth and the Moon. All water tends to flow towards the moon, because there is no water on the moon, and nature hates a vacuum. I forget where the sun joins in this fight.

Q: What are steroids? A: Things for keeping carpets still on the stairs.

Dale Bargmann, Parish Communications, Hosanna Lutheran Church, Houston, Texas

Friday, June 06, 2008

Hosanna Cyberfline - June 6, 2008

"How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you..” (Psalm 31)

Don't forget to sign up to help with Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) Week at Hosanna, which begins next Sunday, June 15. See the back of the green welcome insert. This is a vital ministry that provides a temporary home for families left homeless by circumstances beyond their control.

A new era has begun for the Hosanna community. Pastor Boldt begins his ministry at Hosanna Wednesday, June 11 and will be leading worship starting Sunday, June 15. Everyone... please wear your blue name tags every Sunday to help Pastor Boldt and any new people feel at home.

This Sunday, June 8—

  • Worship services are at 8:15 AM and 10:45 AM. Contemporary Worship is @ 9:30 AM
  • Reception of new member Tracy Steere @ 8:15 AM.
  • First Communion: Nicholas Rohla.
  • Blessing of Prayer Shawl for Abigail Grace Williams.
  • 9 :30 AM—Group Sunday school contiunes every Sunday in June. Jennifer Jackowski and Joyce Evans teach this Sunday.
  • 9 :30 AM—Adult Education continues an 8-week study of Kelly Fryer's book "Reclaiming the L Word" with a subtitle of Renewing the Church from Its Lutheran Core.
    After 10:45 AM Worship—Congregation meeting with election of officers
  • 5:30 to 8:15 PM—VBS begins Sunday evening with a meal included! If you have not registered your child(ren) please email me: Walk-ins are welcome too! The cost is $25/child or $35/family. The theme is Rainforest Adventure and we are sure to have fun. I still need a few volunteers if you are free. Lastly, we will be decorating the church for VBS after the Congregation meeting and would love any help. Just show up. Amber Walker

The Week Ahead—

  • June 11—Pastor John Boldt begins his ministry with Hosanna. His email is:
  • June 14—Senior’s Outing: Meet for dinner at Lasagna House (FM 1960 and I-45) @ 6 PM. Then it’s on to Ace Theater @8 PM for the exciting whodunit “Exit to Murder” Cost: $12 for the play plus your dinner. Questions: call Cecelia Gabrielson: 281-376-225
  • Next Sunday, June 15—Father's Day
    Pastor Boldt preaches and presides!

    Reception for Pastor Boldt @ 9-11 AM
    June 15-22—IHN Week at Hosanna (sign up on the back of the green "Welcome" insert).
    Deadline for submitting articles for a combined July/August Hotline (Need both months due to my vacation schedule.) I am requesting that those planning the Senior's Outings, Book Discussion, Hosanna Women of the ELCA, church council and any other activities submit their information for this combined issue. Georgia, Garrett and I will be vacationing in Colorado July 14-29 and I want to get this issue completed before we leave. Thank you, Dale Bargmann

Looking Further Into the Future

  • June 22—Blessing of Confirmands travelling to Confirmation Camp at Lutherhill @ 10:45 AM worship.
  • June 22-27—Confirmation Camp at Lutherhill.
  • June 28—Book Discussion @ 6–8 PM in the Confirmation Room (note change of location because of summer AC needs) Title to be discussed: "Little Heathens" by Mildred Armstrong Kalish. This is Mildred Kalish's story of growing up on her grandparent's Iowa farm during the depths of the Great Depression. This, however, is not a tale of suffering but the story of a childhood that "built character, fed the intellect, and stirred the imagination." Filled with remarkable stories, and brimming with recipes and how-tos, this book portrays a world of hard work tempered by simple rewards. and shows how the right stuff can make even the bleakest of times seem like "quite a romp." This gathering is for everyone who loves to read and to talk about what they have read. Those who wish can go out to dinner at a local restaurant following the discussion.
  • June 29-July 3—Disciple Project at Texas Lutheran University, a week long event for high school-age and adults. For more information visit
  • June 30—Deadline for submitting T-shirt designs for Fall Congregation Picnic. The theme is "A Time for Action 08.” The winner will get a $25 gift card to AMC or Santikos Theaters (winner's choice). Submit your design to The Care Team.

Other Items...

A little humor...

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were camping in the desert.They set-up their tent and were asleep. Some hours later, Holmes woke his faithful friend."Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see".

Dr. Watson replied, "I see millions of stars."

"What does that tell you?" asks Sherlock Holmes.

Dr. Watson pondered for a minute and replied,"Astronomically speaking, it tells me that there are millionsof galaxies playing host to billions of stars and planets. Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in Leo.Time wise, it appears to be approximately 3:15 AM. Theologically, it is evident the Lord is all powerful and as small insignificant beings, we pale in God's presence. Meteorologically, we are in for a clear and beautiful day tomorrow with a light easterly breeze in the morning. What does it tell you, Holmes?"

Holmes was silent for a moment,then he looked at Dr. Watson and said:
"It tells ME that someone has stolen our tent."

Have great weekend,
Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications