Hosanna Cyberfline - February 23, 2006
Here's the announcements for this week:
Here is the online version of "This Week at Hosanna":
February Hotline:
Wednesday, Morning Bible Study meets March 14 @ 10:30 AM at Paradise Springs Independent Living, 5600 Cypresswood Dr. The group will not meet at the church that day. Lunch will be provided by Paradise Springs.
Men of Hosanna Annual Catered Bar-B-Q Dinner
This Monday @ 6:30 PM in the Hosanna Fellowship Hall, followed by assembly of Care Packages for our college students, those in the military, Peace Corps and graduating high school seniors.
Cost: $8.50 in advance. Sunday is the last chance to sign up.
Contributions are still needed. Place cash or check (made out to "Men of Hosanna") in envelope addressed to Bob McConnell.
The first of the regular Saturday Spanish Worship/Communion services in this Saturday @ 6 PM. The invitation, in Spanish, reads:
Te invitamos
A una misa en español en la
Iglesia Luterana Hosanna
Empezando el sábado 24 de Febrero a las 6 PM
Todos son bienvenidos
Pastor Erbey Gonzalaz of Ascension Tomball will officiate.
A group of 6 to 10 building hosts are needed to serve on a rotating basis. They would unlock and lock the church, greet, set up Communion, make coffee and help out where needed. Please contact the church office.
Coffee Basket for Relay for Life
The Hosanna Women of the ELCA are putting together a coffee basket for the Humble-Kingwood Cancer Relay for Life. Donations of small items are needed for the basket which will be auctioned off at the relay. If you are interested in donating items, please see the sign-up sheet in the Narthex or contact Judy Kresge-Finger at 281-292-1920. All items are needed by March 25th.
New Wednesday Evening Bible Study:
Every Wednesday @ 6 PM: Study Jesus’ Lenten journey to the cross. Later, participants will decide on a book of the Bible for in-depth study and discussion.
Check out the back of the green "welcome" insert:
Sign up for IHN Week at Hosanna.
Sign up to bring snack items for the Craft Fair, March 3.
March Seniors’ Outing
Seniors will experience a Wild Safari at their next meeting, Monday, March 12. Meet at Hosanna @ 8:15 AM; depart @ 8:30 AM. Lunch is at a German restaurant; prices start @ $6.95. We will return to Hosanna by 2:30/3:30 PM. Cost: $10 per person + plus lunch. Sign up in the nathex and pay Dorothy Petersen by March 7.
Congratulations to John and Heather Martin on the baptism of their daughter Hannah Suzanne in the 11 AM service this Sunday!
We grieve with the family of Robert Edmunds who passed away Thursday. The funeral is @ 11 AM Saturday, February 24 here at Hosanna.
Annual Progressive Dinner
March 31 @ 6 PM $7 per person
Sign up in the Narthex or call: Nerisa McConnell (281-440-5432) or Sue King (281-353-1242)
Don't forget the Annual Meeting this Sunday - We were 2 or 3 people short of quorum at the February 11 meeting. Therefore we will meet after the 11 AM service. There are two items of business that need congregational votes: approval of the annual reports and election of delegates. The meeting will be short, so please plan on staying. This doesn't let the 8 and 9:30 regulars off the hook. You can stay a little longer to vote on some important issues.
A little humor:
The Boat Rental
While touring Israel, two people thought they'd rent a boat and take it across the Sea of Galilee.
"That'll be a hundred dollars," said the man at the boat rental.
"A hundred dollars? That's an outrageous amount!" one of the tourists exclaimed.
"Ah, but this is the lake Jesus walked on," the merchant pointed out.
To which the irritated tourist replied, "For a hundred dollars a boat, I can see why!"
Fatherly Advice
"Dad, when can I have a car?"
"When you shave and get a haircut."
"Well, Dad, I've been reading the Bible a lot lately, and I understand that Jesus didn't cut his hair or shave his beard."
"Yes, and he also walked everywhere he went."
God's peace to everyone, and continue to lift up the sick and grieving in the Hosanna family and elsewhere.
Special thanks to all who wished me happy birthday this past week. I really appreciate your thoughtfullness, not to mention the cards and goodies.
Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications