Hosanna Cyberfline - April 6, 2007
A good Friday to all the Hosanna family,
The online version of "This Week at Hosanna":
April Hotline:
First, something I didn't know about until my wife, a Continental employee, came home from work Friday evening. She told me that Continental is currently hiring reservation agents, also flight attendants. There is a shortage of both. They need people who speak languages, too, because the airline serves many international destinations. Go the http://www.continental.com/ to apply if you are looking for emloyment.
Next Congregation Meeting is Sunday, April 15 following 11 AM worship.
It is a potluck. Sign up in the narthex to bring a favorite dish to share. Proposed agenda for the meeting:
Summer Congregation Worship Schedule
Sabbatical Team Report
National Church Development Report
Here are the Church Council Notes from the March 4, 2007 Meeting
Care Team informed the Council members that Teresa White had joined the team. Teresa will be coordinating of the food for IHN. The date for the garage sale is set for May 5, 2007.
Lay Leadership stated that there are positions on the team that need to be filled. Care and Discipleship will need new Team Leaders in the upcoming year and nomination sheets will be mailed out to the congregation in the April Hotline.
Staff Support addressed the formation of the Sabbatical Team and the work that they are doing. Special attention is being made in order to fill vacancies during Pastor Tart’s absence. Farewell and Welcome Back receptions are being planned.
The Spring Congregation Meeting will be held on April 15, 2007 at 12:30 pm.
Maureen Kennedy, Secretary
Election of Officers
The Hosanna Constitution states that the Treasurer, the Financial Secretary, the Secretary, and leaders of the Ministry Teams shall be elected by the congregation in odd-numbered years. This election will occur on June 3, and those elected will take office September 1.
Lay Leadership Team is requesting the help of the congregation in this process.
You may submit your name or that of others for consideration as nominees for positions. Click below to print out a form with a list of offices and their duties:
This form is also included in the April HOTLINE.
Write in the name of your nominee and turn the form into the church office.
Suggestions also can be made by e-mailing Teresa Albin before May 15th: teresa@welcometohosanna.com. In your email please state what you think qualifies this person to serve in this ministry.
Lay Leadership Team will contact all individuals suggested to ascertain their willingness to serve, so you do not need to get the prior consent of the people you suggest. Nominees will be selected from those suggested to present to the congregation for election.
Note from Dale Bargmann, I was informed this past week that Karole Coleman has chosen to have her name placed in nomination for Care Team leader. The wrong information was included in last week's Cyberline. It has been corrected on the PDF form on the website. As for the one included in the Hotline, just write Karole's name (or anyone else's for that matter) into the blank.
Family Life Update From Amber Walker, Family Life Minister
CREW: Breakfast at Denny's this Sunday, April 1. Meet at church.
Easter Breakfast Fundraiser on Easter Sunday, April 8 from 8-12. Free will offering.
April Seniors Trip
Tuesday, April 10 the Seniors (50+) will go to the Varner-Hogg Plantation. Texas governor James Hogg purchased this plantation on the Brazos River in 1901. See the majestic antebellum home along with many of the Hogg family heirlooms, period furniture and historic documents. We will have a private tour and a demonstration of the old sugar cane equipment (including a tasting of the sugar cane juice). Cost: $10 + lunch at the Baytown Seafood Restaurant (not included). Leave Hosanna @ 8 am and return around 4 PM.
Easter Egg Hunt
Hosanna will have it's annual Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 7 at 10 am. To prepare for this, Confirmation is asking for donations of candy and small toys to be left in the box in the narthex. All candy must be individually wrapped and received by THIS SUNDAY. Please bring a snack to share that morning. See Valerie Oden for questions.
Holy Week Services
Maundy Thursday - April 5
6:15 PM - Worship for families with small children, with the Hosanna Carolers
7:30 PM - Worship with the Hosanna Girls Ensemble
Good Friday - April 6
7:30 PM - Worship with the Brass Ensemble and Women's Chamber Chorus
Holy Saturday - April 7
7:30 PM - Easter Vigil in Spanish and English, with the Brass Ensemble and Hosanna Choir (Pastor Tart and Pastor Gonzalez will preside).
Easter Sunday - April 8
8 AM - Holy Communion service with the Hosanna Choir and Brass Ensemble
9:30 AM - Holy Communion service with Faith Journey
11 AM - Holy Communion service with the Hosanna Choir, Girls Ensemble and Brass Ensemble
Second Annual Fashion Show Benefiting Breast Cancer Research
Featuring CAbi Spring Fashions modeled by ladies from Epiphany, Hosanna, Kinsmen and St. Timothy
Held at St. Timothy Lutheran, 14225 Hargrave Road, Sunday, April 22 - 2-4 PM
Tickets: $10 per person, Or reserve whole table: $80
Refreshments served.
Guest Speaker Barbara Fowler, Chair of the Advisory Council for Susan G. Komen For the Cure Foundation
Information? 281-469-2457
Matching funds by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
All women on the ELCA are invited to attend the Spring Fling breakfast on Saturday, April 21 from 9-11 am here at Hosanna. Tickets are $7 and can be purchased April 1st and 15th.
The Prayer Shawl group is looking for donations of yarn. If you would like to help, please contact Sonya Talus.
Thanks to all Hosanna Team members for preparing the delicious soup suppers on Wednesday evenings during Lent.
From Nickie Brooks… Thanks, thanks, thanks to all who helped make our guest families feel at home during IHN week. It was especially good that the families could join us for the Wednesday evening soup supper, April 28.
Last chance to sign up for the Good Friday Golf Tournament
April 6 • Fox Creek Golf Club near Hempstead Open to all men, women, high school-age and guests of Hosanna and Kinsmen
Form your own foursomes or just sign up and be assigned to a team • $42 each (includes range balls, barbecue dinner, green fees and cart)
Contests for low team scores, longest drives and closest to pins on par 3’s
Deadline: This Sunday! Last chance to sign up!
Contact Bob McConnell: 281-440-5432
Hosanna Book Discussion Group – The next title for discussion is "The Joy Luck Club" by Amy Tan, Saturday, May 19 @ 6 PM. "Intensely poetic, startlingly imaginative and moving, this remarkable book will speak to many about the persistent tensions and powerful bonds between generations and cultures.
Easter Egg Hunt
Hosanna will have it's annual Egg Hunt this Saturday, April 7 @ 10 AM. Confirmation is asking for donations of candy and small toys to be left in the narthex. All candy must be individually wrapped and received today. Please bring a snack to share that morning.
Annual Hosanna Garage Sale
Saturday, May 5, 7 AM-4:30 PM
Fellowship Hall and Narthex
Find new homes for unwanted treasures.
Discover new treasures.
Lots of great stuff for the understuffed!
A Little Humor:
"The Front Pew"
An elderly woman walked into the local country church. The friendly usher greeted her at the door and helped her up the flight of steps.
"Where would you like to sit?" he asked politely.
"The front row please," she answered.
"You really don't want to do that," the usher said. "The pastor is really boring."
"Do you happen to know who I am?" the woman inquired.
"No," he said.
"I'm the pastor's mother," she replied indignantly.
"Do you know who I am?" he asked.
"No," she said.
"Good," he answered, "Let me show you the front pew."
Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Parish Communications